使用 Microsoft 登录
如何兑换礼品卡和代码 | Xbox Support
选择屏幕右上角的帐户,然后选择 兑换充值码或礼品卡。 输入由 25 个字符组成的代码,选择 下一步,然后按照提示操作。 如何在 Windows 版 Xbox 应用中兑换代码. 按“开始”按钮 ,然后在“搜索”框中输入“Xbox”。 从结果中选择 Xbox 应用以打开该应用。 选择左上角的玩家图片,然后选择“设置”。 在“兑换代码”下选择“兑换”。 输入由 25 个字符组成的代码,选择 下一步,然后按照提示操作。 注意 目前无法在移动设备的 Xbox 应用上兑换代码。 如何在 Xbox 360 上兑换代码.
Redeem a gift card or code to your Microsoft account
Select your personal icon at the top of the app and then select Redeem code or gift cards. Enter the 25-character code, and then select Redeem. Don’t worry about hyphens, the system takes care of those for you. If you cannot redeem a Microsoft gift card or download code. If you're unable to redeem a code, check our self-help guidance below.
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Get to know Game Bar on Windows | Xbox Support
Press Windows logo key + G to open Game Bar over your game, app, or desktop. All your favorite things in one place. When you open Game Bar, a variety of Xbox gaming activities are at your fingertips. Select a feature from the Widget Menu and it’ll pop up as a widget. Many of these can be moved, resized, or pinned to your screen.
了解 Windows Hello 并对其进行设置 - Microsoft 支持
依次选择“ 开始 ”>“ 设置 ”>“ 帐户 ”>“ 登录选项 ”。 在“ 登录方式 ”,你将看到使用 Windows Hello 登录的三个选项: 选择“ 人脸识别 (Windows Hello) ”以设置使用电脑红外线相机或外部红外线相机的人脸识别登录。 选择“ 指纹识别 (Windows Hello) ”以设置使用指纹读取器登录。 选择“ PIN (Windows Hello) ”以设置使用 PIN 进行登录。 相关主题. Windows Hello 如何保护我的私密信息? 未登录 Windows 时重置 PIN. 登录到设备后更改 PIN. 排查 Windows Hello 问题. 了解如何使用 PIN、面部识别或指纹通过 Windows Hello 登录电脑。
修复 Windows 中的蓝牙问题 - Microsoft 支持
操作方法如下: 签入快速设置: 选择任务栏右侧的“ 网络 ”、“ 声音 ”或“ 电池 ”图标 ( ),查找“ 蓝牙 ” 快速设置,然后选择“ 蓝牙 ” 将其打开。 如果你的 Windows 11 设备未连接到任何蓝牙外部设备,你将看到“未连接”。 签入设置: 选择“ 开始 ” >“ 设置 ” >“ 蓝牙和其他设备 ” 。 确保已开启“ 蓝牙 ” 。 注意: 当你在“设置”中打开蓝牙时,会立即显示以下消息: “可发现 < computer_name> ” 检查蓝牙设备. 确保蓝牙设备已打开、已充电或具有新电池,并且位于电脑的连接范围内。 然后尝试执行以下操作: 关闭你的蓝牙设备,等待几秒钟,然后将其重新打开。 确保你的蓝牙设备位于有效范围内。
Install mobile apps and the Amazon Appstore on Windows
To use mobile apps on your device, your PC also needs to meet these requirements: Install the Amazon Appstore. To install the Amazon Appstore, you'll need to install it from the Microsoft Store. Get the Amazon Appstore.
Uninstall or remove apps and programs in Windows
Select Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features . Find the app you want to remove, select More > Uninstall. Note: Some apps can't be uninstalled from the Settings app right now. For help uninstalling these apps, follow the instructions to uninstall from Control Panel. Uninstall from Control Panel.
How to use the PC Health Check app - Microsoft Support
PC Health Check app brings you up to date info on your Windows device health, helping you take action to improve your device performance and troubleshoot performance problems. It is periodically updated based on customer feedback to help you make the most of your Windows PC. How to open PC Health Check.
Windows sign-in options and account protection - Microsoft Support
To turn on Windows Hello. Go to Start > Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options. Select the Windows Hello method that you want to set up, Select Set up. If you don't see Windows Hello in Sign-in options, then it may not be available for your device. Windows Hello does require a compatible camera or fingerprint reader.
Keyboard shortcuts in Windows - Microsoft Support
Keyboard shortcuts in Windows. Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that provide an alternative way to do something that you’d typically do with a mouse. If you are trying to take a screenshot or screengrab, see How to take and annotate screenshots. Click an option below, and it'll open to display a table of related shortcuts: