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如何设置远程游戏 | Xbox Support
选择“我的库”图标并选择“主机”。. 选择要连接的主机,然后按“在此设备上玩远程游戏”。. 在 Windows 设备上:. 打开适用于电脑的 Xbox 应用。. 单击个人资料图片,然后选择“查看个人资料”。. 在“我玩的地方”下,选择“添加控制台”选项,然后按照 ...
如何兑换礼品卡和代码 | Xbox Support
了解如何在移动设备、Windows 设备或 Xbox 主机上兑换 Microsoft/Xbox 礼品卡或其他代码。按“开始”按钮 ,然后在“搜索”框中输入“商店”。 从结果中选择 Microsoft Store 以打开应用。选择屏幕右上角的帐户,然后选择 兑换充值码或礼品卡。输入由 25 个字符组成的代码,选择 下一步,然后按照提示操作。
Gaming Services Repair Tool for PC | Xbox Support
The Gaming Services Repair Tool for PC is now also integrated directly into the Xbox app for PC. To run the Gaming Services Repair Tool on your PC, make sure you have the 2311.1001.7.0 version or newer of the Xbox app on PC installed. To check your Xbox app version number: Launch the Xbox app for PC. Click your Profile picture.
Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)和 Forza Motorsport ...
如果你有有效订阅,则可以安装和玩 Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)或 Forza Motorsport(极限竞速),或者你可以以折扣价购买该游戏。. 若要以 Xbox Game Pass 20% 的折扣购买 Forza 游戏,请访问游戏的应用商店页面。. 还可以 Xbox Game Pass 10% 的折扣购买加载项。. 可能 ...
Finding your BitLocker recovery key in Windows - Microsoft Support
An owner or administrator of your personal device activated BitLocker (also called device encryption on some devices) through the Settings app or Control Panel: In this case the user activating BitLocker either selected where to save the key or (in the case of device encryption) it was automatically saved to their Microsoft account.
Change your app recommendation settings in Windows
Windows 11 Windows 10. Select Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features . Next to Choose where to get apps, select one of the available options. To see recommendations, select Anywhere, but let me know if there's a comparable app in the Microsoft Store . To stop seeing app recommendations, select Anywhere. Note: You can also be warned if you ...
Fix common Surface problems using the Surface app and Surface ...
Select Start , search for Surface Diagnostic Toolkit, then select it in the list of results. If it's not already installed, you can download it from Microsoft Store. Get the Surface Diagnostic Toolkit. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Surface Diagnostic Toolkit. The diagnosis and repair time usually averages 15 minutes or less.
关于 Xbox Game Pass 移动版 | Xbox Support
当前提供 Xbox Game Pass 的任何位置都可以使用 Android 版 Xbox Game Pass 应用。. 功能:. 从 100 多种高质量游戏中选择并从云端游戏. 下载游戏到其他设备,例如个人电脑和主机. 有关 Cloud Gaming 的详细信息,请转到: 如何使用云游戏. 有关远程下载的详细信息,请转到 ...
解决适用于 Windows 的 Xbox 应用问题 | Xbox Support
了解如何解决从适用于电脑的 Xbox 应用安装或运行游戏的问题。按任务栏上的“开始”按钮 ,键入“设置”,然后选择“设置”。 在 Windows 10 上,选择“更新和安全”。在 Windows 11 上,选择“Windows 更新”。 在“Windows 更新”页面上,选择“检查更新”以查看是否有适用于设备的任何更新。
Manage app passwords for two-step verification - Microsoft Support
To create app passwords using the Office 365 portal. Sign in to your work or school account, go to the My Account page, and select Security info. Select Add method, choose App password from the list, and then select Add. Enter a name for the app password, and then select Next. Copy the password from the App password page, and then select Done.