使用 Microsoft 登录
从 Xbox One 移动至 Xbox 系列 X|S | Xbox Support
大多数游戏和应用:登录后,转到“我的游戏和应用”>“完整库”>“拥有的游戏”,以查找等待你的宝藏。. 如果具有用于游戏的外部存储设备,只需将其从 Xbox One 上拔下,然后插入 Xbox Series X/S。. 有关详细信息,请参阅:. 准备好在 Xbox Series X|S 上玩游戏 ...
Mental health resources for the Xbox community | Xbox Support
Get connected with someone by using one of the following options: US dial 988. 1-800-273-TALK (8255) 1-800-799-4889 (for those with hearing loss) 1-888-628-9454 (Spanish lifeline) Or text 838255. Your safety and wellbeing matter to Xbox. As a member of the Xbox community, you’re at the core of everything we do.
Error 87E00010 occurs when copying or moving a game or app on Xbox One
Check here for the known game issues that we're currently tracking and find out what you can do about them. You see the following error code when you try to copy or move a game or app on your Xbox One console: 87E00010. This means copying or moving the game or app failed. How to resolve the issue. Collapse all. Solution.
Surface camera not working - Microsoft Support
Start by running the automated camera troubleshooter in the Get Help app. Get Help automatically runs diagnostics and takes the correct steps to fix most camera issues. Open Get Help. Make sure apps can use the camera.
Change the column width or row height in Excel
Cells. Change the column width or row height in Excel. You can manually adjust the column width or row height or automatically resize columns and rows to fit the data. Note: The boundary is the line between cells, columns, and rows. If a column is too narrow to display the data, you will see ### in the cell. Resize rows.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Excel 2021, Excel 2019, Excel 2016
IF function – nested formulas and avoiding pitfalls
The IF function allows you to make a logical comparison between a value and what you expect by testing for a condition and returning a result if True or False. So an IF statement can have two results. The first result is if your comparison is True, the second if your comparison is False. IF statements are incredibly robust, and form the basis ...
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Excel, Excel 网页版, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2019 for Mac, Excel 2016, Excel Web App, Excel for Windows Phone 10
通话 | Skype 支持
如何阻止骚扰电话呼叫我的 Skype 号码?. 骚扰电话阻止功能可帮助阻止你的 Skype 号码接收到令人厌烦的骚扰电话。. 该功能免费,且最大的优点是可以减少骚扰电话带来的干扰。. 若要更改 Skype 号码的呼叫阻止设置, 请执行以下操作: 选择“个人资料图片 ...
Hvordan ser eller oppdaterer jeg medlemmets opplysninger i ...
Du kan ikke endre medlemmers Skype-navn, passord eller valuta. Slik ser eller oppdaterer du medlemmets opplysninger i Skype Manager: Logg på Skype Manager. Klikk på Medlemmer på instrumentbordet for Skype Manager for å vise Alle medlemmer -siden. Klikk på navnet til medlemmet du vil endre detaljene for.
Como uso vales skype e cartões pré-pagos?
Vales skype e cartões pré-pagos são vouchers eletrônicos vendidos em vários pontos de venda. Pode usá-los para completar o Crédito Skype na sua conta ou fazer chamadas para telefones com um pacote de subscrição. Descubra onde pode comprar vouchers Skype. Como é que redimi o meu vale skype?
Começar a usar o PowerPoint para a Web - Suporte da Microsoft
ComPowerPoint para a Web você cria apresentações diretamente no navegador. Crie e salve suas apresentações no OneDrive e edite-as online. Você não precisa de nenhum software adicional, nem precisa instalar nada. Veja como começar: Vá para o Office.com.. Clique em PowerPoint.
适用于: PowerPoint 网页版, Office.com