删除 SharePoint 网站或子网站 - Microsoft 支持
了解如何删除 SharePoint 网站或子网站。 警告: 删除网站时,还会删除属于网站的任何子网站、内容和用户信息,包括文档、文档库、列表和列表数据。需要具有 完全控制权限 才能删除网站或子网站。 如果没有此权限级别,请与站点管理员或经理联系。 请参阅 了解 SharePoint 中的权限级别。
适用于: SharePoint Server 订阅版, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2016, Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint, Office 商业版, Microsoft 365 管理员
构建经典的 SharePoint 发布网站 - Microsoft 支持
如果您要向现有网站添加发布功能,请执行下列步骤。 必须先在父级网站集上启用了发布功能,才能在网站级激活发布功能。 有关详细信息,请参阅SharePoint 发布网站中启用的功能。 从网站集的根中,单击 "设置" > "网站设置"。
适用于: SharePoint Server 2013 企业版, Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint
应用和自定义 SharePoint 网站模板 - Microsoft 支持
自定义 SharePoint 中的网站模板部件,以满足组织的需求。 选择网站模板时,可以在标题为“ 从组织 ”的选项卡中找到组织创建的网站模板(也称为自定义模板)。 自定义说明因网站模板设计而异。 Create网站模板为组织提供可重用列表和主题,以便用户可以快速生成新的 SharePoint 网站。
适用于: Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint
Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows - Microsoft Support
In quick settings: To find the quick setting for Bluetooth, select the Network, Sound, or Battery icons ( ) next to the time and date on the right side of your taskbar.Select Bluetooth to turn it on. If it's turned on without any Bluetooth devices connected, it might appear as Not connected . If you don't see Bluetooth in quick settings, you might need to add it.
Como entrar ou sair do Outlook.com - Suporte da Microsoft
Para obter suporte no Outlook.com, clique aqui ou selecione Ajuda na barra de menus e digite sua consulta. Se a autoajuda não resolver seu problema, role para baixo até Ainda precisa de ajuda? e selecione Sim.. Para entrar em contato conosco no Outlook.com, você precisará entrar.
适用于: Outlook.com
下载并安装或重新安装 Office 2019、Office 2016 或 Office 2013
注意: 如果是通过以下任一方式获取的 Microsoft 365:Microsoft 工作区折扣计划(以前称为家用许可计划),则安装 2019、2016 或 2013 版的 Office 专业增强版、Office 标准版或独立应用(如 Word 或 Project)的步骤可能会有所不同:如果你通过公司购买了 Microsoft 365 供个人使用,请参阅通过工作场所折扣计划安装 ...
适用于: Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2016 for Mac, Office 2013
Ways to install Windows 11 - Microsoft Support
Note: To upgrade to Windows 11, devices should meet the Windows 11 minimum system requirements.Some Windows 10 features aren't available in Windows 11. System requirements to experience some Windows 11 features and apps will exceed the Windows 11 minimum system requirements.Find Windows 11 specs, features, and computer requirements
Redeem a gift card or code to your Microsoft account
How to redeem a gift card, Xbox download code or token. Both Microsoft and Xbox gift cards and download codes and tokens work the same way: once redeemed to your Microsoft account, you can spend your balance at Microsoft Store online, on Windows or Xbox, and you can get downloads for the latest apps, games, movies, TV shows, and Surface, Xbox, and accessories.
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Browse InPrivate in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
The new Microsoft Edge will delete your browsing history, cookies, and site data, as well as passwords, addresses, and form data when you close all InPrivate windows. You can open an InPrivate window in different ways: Select and hold (right-click) the Microsoft Edge logo in the taskbar and select New InPrivate window.
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Language packs for Windows - Microsoft Support
The easiest way to get language packs for Windows 8.1 and Windows RT is to download and install them using the Language Control Panel. Download and install additional languages to view menus, dialog boxes, and other user interface items in your preferred language.