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Microsoft Support
Supercharge your creativity and productivity with a premium Copilot experience. Download the Copilot app for a 1-month free trial of Copilot Pro. Get the Copilot app. Microsoft support is here to help you with Microsoft products. Find how-to articles, videos, and training for Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft 365, Windows, Surface, and more.
Change your default search engine in Microsoft Edge
Keeping Bing as your default search engine provides an enhanced search experience in the new Microsoft Edge , including direct links to Windows apps, relevant suggestions from your organization if you’re signed in with a work or school account, and instant answers to questions about Windows.However, you can change the default search engine to any site that uses OpenSearch technology.
ブラウザーのホーム ページを変更する - Microsoft サポート
Microsoft Edge、Internet Explorer 11、Google Chrome、Firefox、Safari でホーム ページを変更する手順について説明します。 [全般] タブの [ホーム ページ] で、ホーム ページに設定するサイトの URL を入力します。 複数の URL を追加できます。[現在のページを使用] を選択すると現在表示しているサイトを追加 ...
Scan a document or picture - Microsoft Support
A scanner you've connected using a wired, wireless, or network connection. An app for scanning files, such as Windows Scan, available for free from Microsoft Store. The Windows Scan app can help you scan pictures or documents and save them to your PC as JPEG, bitmap, or PNG files. For more info, see Install and use a scanner in Windows.
Create and add an email signature in Outlook - Microsoft Support
Under Edit signature, compose your signature.You can change fonts, font colors, and sizes, as well as text alignment. If you want to create a more robust signature with bullets, tables, or borders, use Word to create and format your signature text, then copy and paste it into the Edit signature box.You can also use a pre-designed template to create your signature.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office 商业版, Office 365 小型企业版, Microsoft 365 管理员, Outlook 网页版, Outlook.com, 新的 Outlook for Windows, 适用于 Exchange Server 2016 的 Outlook 网页版, 适用于 Exchange Server 2019 的 Outlook 网页版
在 Windows 中打开“控制面板” - Microsoft 支持
Windows 10. 在任务栏上“开始” 旁边的搜索框中,键入 “控制面板 ”。. 从结果列表中选择 “控制面板 ”。. 注意: 许多控制面板功能在 “设置” 中更简单、更快。. 打开设置. 订阅 RSS 源. 在 Windows 中打开“控制面板”.
如何登录到 Hotmail - Microsoft 支持
若要在 Outlook.com 中获取支持,请单击此处或选择菜单栏上的帮助,然后输入查询。如果自助服务无法解决问题,请向下滚动到“仍需要帮助?”,然后选择“是”。 若要在 Outlook.com 中联系我们,需要登录。 如果无法登录,请单击 此处。 若要获取其他有关 Microsoft 帐户和订阅的帮助,请访问 帐户和 ...
适用于: Outlook.com
Welcome to Copilot in Windows - Microsoft Support
Get started with Copilot in Windows To get started, press + C, or use the Copilot in Windows icon located on the right end of the taskbar.If you want to show or hide the icon from your taskbar, right-click on the taskbar then select Show Copilot (preview) button to clear the checkmark from the option.. Copilot in Windows isn’t currently supported when your taskbar is located vertically on ...
Delete cookies in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
In Edge, select Settings and more > Settings > Cookies and site permissions. Under Cookies and data stored, select Manage and delete cookies and site data > See all cookies and site data and search for the site whose cookies you want to delete. Select the down arrow to the right of the site whose cookies you want to delete and select Delete .
打开或关闭 Windows 安全中心 - Microsoft 支持
打开或关闭 Windows 安全中心. Security Windows 10. 当在新设备中首次启动 Windows 10 时,设备上已安装的防病毒保护程序即是你的默认安全应用。. 但是,Windows 安全中心已预安装并可随时使用。. 如果你想要使用 Windows 安全中心,可卸载其他所有防病毒程序,Windows 安全 ...