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Accessibility with the new Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Customize the tabs at the first use The first time you use the new Microsoft Edge, you can choose what type of content the browser tabs show you when you open a new tab. If you have a Microsoft 365 subscription, you can select either Microsoft 365 or Microsoft News as your preferred feed and then select a Focused, Inspirational, or Informational page layout type.
Find your reading list, web notes, and tabs in Microsoft Edge
The new Microsoft Edge no longer supports the following features.However, you still have access to your data. Reading list You can find all your reading list items (including any web notes you added) in Favorites . Note: If you see an empty Reading list saves folder on a synced device, do not delete it as this will delete the reading list from the device where this data was imported.
Add, turn off, or remove extensions in Microsoft Edge
Extensions, or add-ons, are simple tools that customize your browser experience and offer you more control. Here's how to add, turn off, and remove them in Microsoft Edge . Find and add an extension to Microsoft Edge In Microsoft Edge, select Extensions, located to the right of your browser address bar.
Microsoft Translator gebruiken in Microsoft Edge browser
Als u in instellingen een pagina opent die in een andere taal is geschreven dan de talen van uw voorkeur, wordt u door Microsoft Edge automatisch gevraagd deze te vertalen. Als u de vertaling wilt overslaan, selecteert u In de lijst rechtsonder de optie Niet nu om de vertaling over te slaan of Nooit vertalen [Taal] om het deelvenster nooit weer te geven wanneer u naar een pagina met die taal gaat.
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Προβολή cookies στον Microsoft Edge - Υποστήριξη της Microsoft
Μάθετε πώς να προβάλλετε τα cookies στον Microsoft Edge. Πατώντας "Υποβολή" τα σχόλια σας θα χρησιμοποιηθούν για τη βελτίωση των προϊόντων και των υπηρεσιών της Microsoft.
Erweiterungen in Microsoft Edge hinzufügen, ausschalten oder entfernen
Erweiterungen (oder Add-ons) sind einfache Tools, mit denen Sie Ihre Browsererfahrung an Ihre Wünsche anpassen und weitere Kontrollmöglichkeiten erhalten können. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie sie in Microsoft Edge hinzufügen, deaktivieren und entfernen. Suchen
Hantera cookies i Microsoft Edge: Visa, tillåta, blockera, ta bort och använda - Microsoft Support
Cookies är små data som lagras på din enhet av webbplatser du besöker. De har olika syften, till exempel att komma ihåg inloggningsuppgifter, webbplatsinställningar och spåra användarbeteende. Välj Hantera och ta bort cookies och webbplatsdata och aktivera växlingsknappen Tillåt att webbplatser sparar och läser cookie-data (rekommenderas) för att tillåta alla cookies.
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser
Learn how to use Microsoft Translator in the Edge browser to translate webpages. ... If you open a page written in a different language than your preferred languages in settings, Microsoft Edge will automatically prompt you to translate it. The Translate icon appears in the address bar when you go to a web page that’s written in a foreign language.
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Install, manage, or uninstall apps in Microsoft Edge
With Microsoft Edge, you can install and manage applications from your favorite web sites onto your devices for fast access. Use the edge://apps page to see your installed applications and manage app permissions.
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Blocking adult content with SafeSearch or blocking Chat
Chat: If you wish to guarantee Chat is turned off for a given PC, you can do so by mapping www.bing.com to either Nochat.bing.com (which will lock Chat as turned off for the given PC) or Nochatstrict.bing.com (which will lock Chat as turned off for the given PC and the SafeSearch setting as locked to strict), by following the same steps as outlined above but in step 6, pinging either “nochat ...