Change your Microsoft account picture
You can personalize your account with a photo. To add or change a photo, choose your account type:
Your profile photo will appear on apps and devices that use your Microsoft account.
To change the picture associated with your Microsoft account:
Go to the Your info tab of your Microsoft account dashboard, or select Change photo below.
Select Add a photo or Change photo to search for image files on your device.
You can use most static image files on PC, macOS, iOS and Android, but HEIC and animated GIFs are not supported, sorry.
To see entire portrait or landscape photos, use a photo editing app to add borders to make the image square.
It may take up to 24 hours for your picture to update everywhere.
To edit zoom level or rotation, select Change photo and reload the same image.
Need more help?
Change your user account picture in Windows
Contact Support
For technical support, go to Contact Microsoft Support, enter your problem and select Get Help. If you still need help, select Contact Support to be routed to the best support option.
Note: Your administrator may prevent you from editing personal details.
Your profile photo will appear on apps and devices that use your work or school account.
To change the picture associated with your account:
Open any Office app (Word, Excel or PowerPoint)
Select File then Account
Select Change photo to be redirected to your organization's personal profile page.
Note: If allowed, you can use most static image files on PC, macOS, iOS and Android, but HEIC and animated GIFs are not supported, sorry.
See also
Change your user account picture in Windows
Who should I contact if I need to change my information in Microsoft 365?