Send and receive files over Bluetooth in Windows
Applies To
Windows 11 Windows 10Files such as photos, videos, documents, and other kinds of files can be shared between devices using Bluetooth. The devices can be a phone, a laptop, a desktop PC, or a tablet.
For instructions on how to both send a file and receive a file from a Windows device, select the appropriate task from the following list:
Make sure the other device receiving the file is turned on and paired with the Windows device sending the file. For information on pairing the other device with the Windows device, see Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows.
Tip: The other device doesn't have to be a Windows device. It can be another type of devices such as iOS or Android.
Make sure the other device is ready to receive files via Bluetooth. For more information about receiving files via Bluetooth:
For Windows devices, see the section Receive a file using Bluetooth in this article.
For other types of devices, see the device's documentation or the manufacturer's website.
On the Windows device, select Start and then select Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Devices .Open Bluetooth & devices > Devices
Or Select the following Bluetooth & devices > Devices shortcut: -
In the Bluetooth & devices > Devices window, under Related settings, select Send or receive files via Bluetooth.
Note: If the option Send or receive files via Bluetooth doesn't exist under Related settings, the Windows device might not have a Bluetooth adapter. If the Windows device does have a Bluetooth adapter, the drivers for the Bluetooth adapter might not be installed.
In the Bluetooth File Transfer window that opens:
In the Transfer files using Bluetooth page, select Send files.
In the Select where to send your files page, select the device to share the file with, and then select the Next button.
If the other device receiving the file isn't visible, make sure the other device is turned on and in range of the Windows device sending the file.
If the option Use authentication is grayed out, the Windows device is paired with the other device. However, if the option Use authentication is available and not grayed out, the Windows device might not be paired with the other device. Proceed with this option selected to attempt to pair the two devices. Otherwise, for more information, see Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows.
In the Select the files to send page, select the Browse button, browse to and select the file to send, and then select the Next button.
The file begins to transfer and The file is being sent page appears. The file is being sent page displays the progress of the file being sent to the other device.
Note: If the message Bluetooth file transfer not completed appears instead, the other device might not be ready to receive files via Bluetooth. For Windows devices, see the section Receive a file using Bluetooth in this article for more information. For other types of devices, see the device's documentation or the manufacturer's website for more information on how to prepare the device to receive files via Bluetooth.
Once the file transfer is complete, the File successfully transferred page appears. Select the Finish button.
Make sure the other device that is sending a file is paired with the Windows device receiving the file. For information on pairing the other device with the Windows device, see Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows.
Tip: The other device doesn't have to be a Windows device. It can be another type of devices such as iOS or Android.
On the Windows device, select Start and then select Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Devices .Open Bluetooth & devices > Devices
Or Select the following Bluetooth & devices > Devices shortcut: -
In the Bluetooth & devices > Devices window, under Related settings, select Send or receive files via Bluetooth.
Note: If the option Send or receive files via Bluetooth doesn't exist under Related settings, the Windows device might not have a Bluetooth adapter. If the Windows device does have a Bluetooth adapter, the drivers for the Bluetooth adapter might not be installed.
In the Bluetooth File Transfer window that opens:
In the Transfer files using Bluetooth page, select Receive files.
The Waiting for a connection page appears. Initiate the file transfer via Bluetooth on the other device. For more information on how to initiate the file transfer via Bluetooth:
For Windows devices, see the section Send a file using Bluetooth in this article.
For other types of devices, see the device's documentation or the manufacturer's website.
Once the other device initiates the file transfer via Bluetooth, The file is being received page appears. The file is being received page displays the progress of the file being received from the other device.
Once the file transfer via Bluetooth is complete, the Save the received file page appears. Accept the default location where the file is being saved or use the Browse button to select a different location. Once finished, select the Finish button.
Support for Windows 10 will end in October 2025
After October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for Windows 10. Your PC will still work, but we recommend moving to Windows 11.
Make sure the other device that is receiving the file is turned on and paired with the Windows device sending the file. For information on pairing the other device with the Windows device, see Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows.
Tip: The other device doesn't have to be a Windows device. It can be another type of devices such as iOS or Android.
Make sure the other device is ready to receive files via Bluetooth. For more information about receiving files via Bluetooth:
For Windows devices, see the section Receive a file using Bluetooth in this article.
For other types of devices, see the device's documentation or the manufacturer's website.
On the Windows device, select Start and then select Settings > Devices .Open Bluetooth & other devices
Or Select the following Bluetooth & other devices shortcut: -
In the Bluetooth & other devices window, under Related settings, select Send or receive files via Bluetooth.
Note: If the option Send or receive files via Bluetooth doesn't exist under Related settings, the Windows device might not have a Bluetooth adapter. If the Windows device does have a Bluetooth adapter, the drivers for the Bluetooth adapter might not be installed.
In the Bluetooth File Transfer window that opens:
In the Transfer files using Bluetooth page, select Send files.
In the Select where to send your files page, select the device to share the file with, and then select the Next button.
If the other device receiving the file isn't visible, make sure the other device is turned on and in range of the Windows device sending the file.
If the option Use authentication is grayed out, the Windows device is paired with the other device. However, if the option Use authentication is available and not grayed out, the Windows device might not be paired with the other device. Proceed with this option selected to attempt to pair the two devices. Otherwise, for more information see Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows.
In the Select the files to send page, select the Browse button, browse to and select the file to send, and then select the Next button.
The file begins to transfer and The file is being sent page appears. The file is being sent page displays the progress of the file being sent to the other device.
Note: If the message Bluetooth file transfer not completed appears instead, the other device might not be ready to receive files via Bluetooth. For Windows devices, see the section Receive a file using Bluetooth in this article for more information. For other types of devices, see the device's documentation or the manufacturer's website for more information on how to prepare the device to receive files via Bluetooth.
Once the file transfer is complete, the File successfully transferred page appears. Select the Finish button.
Make sure the other device that is sending a file is paired with the Windows device receiving the file. For information on pairing the other device with the Windows device, see Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows.
Tip: The other device doesn't have to be a Windows device. It can be another type of devices such as iOS or Android.
On the Windows device, select Start and then select Settings > Devices .Open Bluetooth & other devices
Or Select the following Bluetooth & other devices shortcut: -
In the Bluetooth & other devices window, under Related settings, select Send or receive files via Bluetooth.
Note: If the option Send or receive files via Bluetooth doesn't exist under Related settings, the Windows device might not have a Bluetooth adapter. If the Windows device does have a Bluetooth adapter, the drivers for the Bluetooth adapter might not be installed.
In the Bluetooth File Transfer window that opens:
In the Transfer files using Bluetooth page, select Receive files.
The Waiting for a connection page appears. Initiate the file transfer via Bluetooth on the other device. For more information on how to initiate the file transfer via Bluetooth:
For Windows devices, see the section Send a file using Bluetooth in this article.
For other types of devices, see the device's documentation or the manufacturer's website.
Once the other device initiates the file transfer via Bluetooth, The file is being received page appears. The file is being received page displays the progress of the file being received from the other device.
Once the file transfer via Bluetooth is complete, the Save the received file page appears. Accept the default location where the file is being saved or use the Browse button to select a different location. Once finished, select the Finish button.