Using web parts on SharePoint pages
Applies To
SharePoint Server Subscription Edition SharePoint Server 2019 SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365 admin SharePoint admin center SharePoint operated by 21VianetWhen you add a modern page to a site, you add and customize web parts, which are the building blocks of your page. You can add text, images, files, video, dynamic content, and more using the web parts listed in this article.

Some functionality is introduced gradually to organizations that have opted in to the Targeted Release program. This means that you might not yet see this feature, or it might look different than what is described in the help articles.
The web parts in this article are not yet available for use on classic pages.
Add a web part (with the content pane)
Go to the page where you want to add a web part.
If you don't see the site page that you want, click Site contents on the Quick Launch bar, in the list of contents, click Site Pages, and then click the page that you want.
If the page is not already in edit mode, click Edit at the top right of the page.
At the top of the Toolbox
on the right, you will see a curated list of web parts to choose from. -
To view all web parts, select See all web parts. Easily find what you're looking for by typing in the Search box, then select or click-and-drag the web part onto the canvas.
for a list view or for a grid view. You can also sort the web parts and filter them by category from the drop-down list.
Add a web part (without the content pane)
Go to the page where you want to add a web part.
If you don't see the site page that you want, click Site contents on the Quick Launch bar, in the list of contents, click Site Pages, and then click the page that you want.
If the page is not already in edit mode, click Edit at the top right of the page.
Hover your mouse above or below an existing web part and you'll see a line with a circled +, like this:
Click + and you'll see a list of web parts to choose from. To easily find the web part you're looking for, start typing in the Search box.
for a list view or for a grid view. You can also sort the web parts and filter them by category from the drop-down list.
Note: This method of adding web parts is not available in flexible sections. You must use the content pane Toolbox
Move or remove a web part
If your page is not already in edit mode, click Edit at the top right of the page.
Select the web part you want to move or remove, and you'll see a small toolbar on the left of the web part.
To move the web part, select the Move web part button
and drag the web part where you want it on your page.To remove the web part, select the Delete web part button
. You can also select DEL on the keyboard to delete.
Resizing web parts in flexible sections
If your page is not already in edit mode, click Edit at the top right of the page.
Select the web part you want to resize.
Select a resize handle on the web part border then drag-and-drop the resize handle to the desired web part width.
Minimum web part widths vary across web parts.
Width options for web part vary across web parts. Some web parts can be resized to any width while others only have four width options.
Third-party or custom web parts can be added to flexible sections. These web parts can be resized but will only have four width options by default. We will soon release documentation with details on how to update custom web parts so that they can be resized to any width.
Overlapping and grouping web parts in flexible sections
If your page is not already in edit mode, click Edit at the top right of the page. To adjust how a web part overlaps the other web parts on the page, click Arrange items in the web part toolbar. Then select your desired outcome from the list.
To edit two or more web parts together, select one web part then hold Control (Windows) or Option (Mac) on your keyboard while selecting the other web parts. You can then move, arrange, group, duplicate, or delete the web parts using the shared toolbar.
If you select Group under the Arrange items dropdown, the web part group will persist. In the future, when you select a web part in a group, the group will be selected. You can then click a web part in the group again to select and edit the individual web part that is in the group.
Available web parts
Following is a list of a web parts you can use on a page, along with links to more information for each web part.
The Assignments web part displays a personalized view to students of their upcoming and due assignments across multiple classes. Students can select their displayed assignment to jump to their specific assignment in the Assignments app for that class.
Note: The Assignments web part is only available to EDU customers.
Bing maps
The Bing Maps web part adds a map to your page. Simply enter an address or a well-known name and your map will appear. You can choose a different map type, such as road or aerial. You can also change the zoom level or give your map pin a friendly name.
Note: The Bing maps web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
The Button web part easily adds a button to your page with your own label and link.
Note: The Button web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Call to action
The Call to action web part creates a button with a call to action for users.
Note: The Call to action web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Code snippet
The Code snippet web part easily displays code as text on your page for others to use or learn from. You can select the code language and a dark or light theme. This web part even auto-corrects syntax.
Note: The Code snippet web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
With the Connectors web part, you can get messages, alerts, and notifications from your favorite external services on a group-connected team site page. For example, you can show updates from services like Trello and Facebook; alerts when something new is published in an RSS feed; notifications from JIRA or GitHub; or even summaries from Salesforce and Google Analytics.
Note: The Connectors web part is available only on group-connected team sites. It's not available on Communication sites or on any sites in SharePoint Server 2019.
The Conversations web part features multiple conversation types and a more interactive user experience. Viva Engage Conversations and Viva Engage Highlights web parts work together to enhance collaboration on your modern SharePoint in Microsoft 365 page. Use this web part when you want users to participate in interactive conversations without leaving your SharePoint page.
Countdown Timer
The Countdown Timer web part displays a countdown (or count up) to an event. You can add a title, set the date format, add a description, and a call-to-action button with a link.
Note: The Countdown timer web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
The Divider web part inserts a line between other web parts to help break up your page and make it easier to read.
Document library
The Document library web part displays a document library you can customize with your own title, view, and size. Users with appropriate permissions can view or edit files directly from the web part or can go to the full document library by clicking See all.
The Embed web part displays content on your page from other sites like YouTube videos. Depending on the site, you can either use the site's address or embed code that the site provides.
The Events web part allows you to add and display upcoming events on your page. You can include a map with location, online meeting information, and more.
Feed for Viva Connections
The Feed for Viva Connections web part is designed to collect and display content from sources across SharePoint, Viva Engage, and Stream (on SharePoint) into a single, personalized viewing experience based on the SharePoint sites and Viva Engage communities you follow.
File and Media
The File and Media web part insert a files on your page. File types you can insert include Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Visio, .PDFs, 3D Models, videos, and more.
Note: Note: In SharePoint Server 2019, file types that can be inserted are limited to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (specifically .doc, .docx,. xls, .xlsx, .pot, .potx, .ppt, and .pptx).
Group calendar
The Group calendar web part puts a group calendar right on your page so that it is easily visible to your readers.
Note: The Group calendar web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
The Hero web part is a great way to bring focus and visual interest to your page. You can display up to five items in the Hero web part and use compelling images, text, and links to draw attention to each. The Hero web part is included by default on Communication sites, but you can also add the Hero web part to other pages.
Highlighted content
The Highlighted content web part dynamically displays content based on content type (documents, pages, news, videos, images, etc.), filtering, or a search string. You can also set the scope of the search to a site or site collection and sort the results.
Use the Highlights web part to add Viva Engage experiences to your SharePoint sites. The Viva Engage Highlights web part allows you to provide a quick overview of active conversations and a targeted portal to specific groups or conversations. TheViva Engage Conversations web part allows users to view whole conversations and start new conversations of all types (questions, polls, and praise).
The Image web part on a page inserts an image on the page, either from your site, your OneDrive, or your hard drive.
Image gallery
The Image gallery web part shares collections of pictures on a page. Simply select your images with the file picker or drag them onto the web part. Once you've created your collection, you can drag and drop the images to reorder them as needed.
Kindle Instant Preview
Do you have a book you want to recommend or promote on your page? The Kindle Instant Preview web part shares a preview of a Kindle book.
Note: The Kindle Instant Preview web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
The Link web part adds a link to an internal or external page, video, image, or document.
Note: The Link web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
The List web part displays a list that you can customize with your own title, view, and even size. Users can view the list, or go to the full list by clicking See all.
List properties
The List properties web part connects to a List web part on the same page and display items from the list based on what a user selects.
Note: The List properties web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
The Markdown web part adds text to your page and allows you to format it using Markdown language.
Note: The Markdown web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Microsoft Forms
The Microsoft Forms web part can create surveys, quizzes, and polls on a page. You can also collect responses to your forms and show form results.
Note: The Microsoft Forms web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Microsoft PowerApps
Microsoft PowerApps is a service that lets you build business apps that run in a browser or on a phone or tablet, with no coding experience required. Once you've created or customized an app using the service, you can add it to your SharePoint page with the Microsoft PowerApps web part. Just enter the app's web address or the app ID, and then resize the app to fit the page.
Note: The PowerApps web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
My feed
The My feed web part shows a mix of content from across Microsoft 365, based on what's likely to be most relevant to the current user at any given time.
Important: My Feed web part will soon be retired. On March 12th, 2025, you will no longer be able to add My Feed web part instances. On April 14th, 2025, existing instances of My Feed web part will stop surfacing content and instead show an error message.
The News web part keeps your team in the loop as well as engages them with important or interesting stories. You can quickly create eye-catching posts like announcements, people news, status updates, and more that can include graphics and rich formatting.
Office 365 Connectors
The Office 365 Connectors web part provides an easy way to get messages, alerts, and notifications from your favorite external services on a group-connected team site page. You can show updates from services, alerts in RSS feeds, notifications from JIRA or GitHub, and even show summaries from Salesforce and Google Analytics.
Organization chart
Use the Organization chart web part to show a visual organization chart by choosing a person to build the chart around. You can specify how many reporting levels you want to show.
Page properties
The Page properties web part provides details about your page, such as title, date, content type, and more.
Note: The Page properties web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
The People web part displays a selected group of people and their profiles on your page. It can be used for contact information, team information, presenters, and more.
The Planner web part adds your team's tasks and assignments on a page using Microsoft Planner.
Note: The Planner web part is available only on group-connected team sites. It's not available on Communication sites or on any sites in SharePoint Server 2019.
Power BI report
The Power BI web part easily embeds an interactive Power BI report on your page. The embedded reports are fully secure so you can easily create secure internal portals.
Note: The Power BI web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Quick chart
The Quick chart web part adds simple charts to your page. Enter your data points, add labels, pick your chart type (column or pie) and publish.
Quick links
The Quick links web part "pins" items to your page for easy access.
Recent documents
The Recent documents web part displays documents that have been recently added or edited.
Note: The Recent documents web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Saved for later
The Saved for later web part allows users to save pages, news posts, and documents to view later in SharePoint using this web part.
Important: Only pages and news posts can be saved for later in the browser. In the SharePoint mobile app, you can also save documents for later.
Site activity
The Site activity web part automatically shows recent activity on your site, such as files uploaded, edits made, lists and libraries created, and so on. Just add the Site activity web part, and the latest activity is pulled in automatically.
The Sites web part allows you to automatically show sites associated with a hub site (when a hub site is in use), or a current user's recent sites (which are the same as those shown on the user's SharePoint Home page). You can select specific sites to show, or have sites show dynamically based on a hub-site association or on a user's frequently used sites.
Note: The Sites web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
The Spacer web part allows you to control vertical space on your page.
Stream (classic)
The Stream (classic) web part displays a video right on your page from your organization's Microsoft Stream (classic) video portal.
The Text web part adds paragraphs and tables to your page. Formatting options such as styles, bullets, indentations, highlighting, and links are available.
The Weather web part shows the current weather on your page.
Note: The Weather web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
World clock
The World clock web part shows the time in different locations around the world.
Note: The World clock web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
The YouTube web part easily embeds YouTube videos right on your page.
Note: The YouTube web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Web parts you can connect
Note: The features listed in this section are not available in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition or SharePoint Server 2019.
You can connect some web parts to each other to create an interactive and dynamic experience for your page viewers. For example, you can connect a Document library web part to a File and Media viewer web part. When a user clicks a file name in the Document library list, the File and Media viewer shows the contents of that specific file. Or, connect a List web part or Document library web part to an Embed web part, and add custom code for a variety of dynamic experiences.
Web parts you can connect include: the List properties web part, File and Media viewer web part, and Embed web part.
For information and examples, see Connect web parts in SharePoint.
Web part maintenance mode
Having trouble with web parts you've put on a page? Try using web part maintenance mode to help troubleshoot the issue.