Windows activity history and your privacy - Microsoft Support
Note: If you have previous activity history stored in the cloud before Windows 11 23H2 and 22H2, January 23, 2024-KB5034204 update, you can use the Clear activity history button to delete previously stored data in the cloud. Otherwise, your activity history will be automatically deleted within 30 days from when your data was last synced to the cloud
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Autorisations des applications - Support Microsoft
Voici plus d’informations sur ce que les autorisations permettent à une application de faire : Accédez à l’ensemble de vos fichiers, appareils périphériques, applications, programmes et Registre : L’application a la possibilité de lire ou écrire sur tous vos fichiers (y compris les documents, images et musique) et les paramètres du Registre, ce qui permet à l’application d ...
Find your BitLocker recovery key - Microsoft Support
If your device was ever signed into an organization using a work or school account, the recovery key could be stored in that organization's account.You might be able to access it directly, or you might need to contact the IT support for that organization to access your recovery key.
Use Snipping Tool to capture screenshots - Microsoft Support
To capture a video snip, open Snipping Tool, select the Record button, then select New recording, or press Windows logo key + Shift + R.Select the area of the screen you wish to record, then select Start.When you are done, select Stop.At this point you can save the recording as-is or select Edit in Clipchamp to work with it in the Clipchamp video editor.
Rester protégé avec l’application Sécurité Windows
L’un des principaux avantages de l’application Sécurité Windows est sa capacité à fournir une protection en temps réel. Microsoft Defender Antivirus analyse continuellement votre appareil à la recherche de menaces potentielles et prend des mesures immédiates pour les neutraliser.
スマートフォン連携要件とセットアップ - Microsoft サポート
PC 画面に QR コードが表示されたポップアップ ウィンドウが表示されます。 Android デバイスのモバイル アプリで、[スマートフォンと PC をリンクする] を選択します。 [PC 上の QR コードの準備は完了していますか?] というメッセージが表示されたら、[続行] を選択 します。
Change Your Account Picture in Windows - Microsoft Support
Delete a user account picture. Windows is designed to let you switch between your three most recent pictures on the Your info page. If you want to delete one of your account pictures:
Gestionar el consentimiento parental - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Hay un requisito en tu ubicación que requiera que Microsoft solicite de nuevo el consentimiento. Más información sobre cómo proporcionar consentimiento adicional.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Windows Media Player 12 - Suporte da Microsoft
Sistema operacional. Versão do Player. Como obter: Windows 10. Windows Media Player 12. Incluído em instalações de limpo do Windows 10. Em algumas edições do Windows 10, ele está incluído como um recurso opcional que pode ser habilitado.
Segurança do Dispositivo na Aplicação Segurança do Windows
Também conhecido como proteção de DMA do Kernel, esse recurso de segurança protege seu dispositivo contra ataques que podem ocorrer quando um dispositivo mal-intencionado está conectado a uma porta PCI (Interconexão de Componente Periférico) como uma porta Thunderbolt.. Um exemplo simples de um desses ataques seria se alguém deixasse seu computador para uma rápida pausa para o café e ...