A BitLocker helyreállítási kulcsának megkeresése
Ha az eszköz munkahelyi vagy iskolai fiókkal lett bejelentkezve egy szervezetbe, a helyreállítási kulcsot az adott szervezet fiókjában tárolhatja. Előfordulhat, hogy közvetlenül is elérheti, vagy a helyreállítási kulcs eléréséhez kapcsolatba kell lépnie a szervezet informatikai támogatási szolgálatával.
Share and access a calendar with edit or delegate permissions in ...
Important: You shouldn’t rely on the Private feature to prevent other people from accessing the details of your appointments, contacts, or tasks. To ensure that other people can’t read the items that you marked as private, don’t grant them Reviewer (can read items) permission to your Calendar, Contacts, or Tasks folder.
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook on the web, New Outlook for Windows
Wiederherstellen verlorener oder gelöschter Dateien
Wenn Sie eine Datei nicht finden können oder eine Datei versehentlich geändert oder gelöscht haben, können Sie sie aus einer Sicherung (falls Sie Windows-Sicherung verwenden) oder aus einer Vorgängerversion wiederherstellen. Vorgängerversionen sind Kopien von Dateien und Ordnern, die Windows automatisch im Rahmen eines Wiederherstellungspunkts speichert.
ブラウザーのホーム ページを変更する - Microsoft サポート
[全般] タブの [ホーム ページ] で、ホーム ページに設定するサイトの url を入力します。 複数の url を追加できます。[現在のページを使用] を選択すると現在表示しているサイトを追加できます。 複数の url を追加する場合は、各 url を改行で区切ります。
Redeem a gift card or code to your Microsoft account
How to redeem a gift card, Xbox download code or token. Both Microsoft and Xbox gift cards and download codes and tokens work the same way: once redeemed to your Microsoft account, you can spend your balance at Microsoft Store online, on Windows or Xbox, and you can get downloads for the latest apps, games, movies, TV shows, and Surface, Xbox, and accessories.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
下载并安装或重新安装 Office 2019、Office 2016 或 Office 2013
如果这是你第一次安装 Microsoft 365,则可能需要先执行一些设置步骤。展开下面的 “了解详细信息”部分。 但是如果是重新安装 Microsoft 365,且已兑换了产品密钥并拥有与 Microsoft 365 相关联的帐户,请转到“登录并安装 Office”的部分。
Applies To: Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2016 for Mac, Office 2013
Descargar controladores de impresora en Windows
Descargar controladores de impresora. Si la impresora no responde, es posible que tengas que quitarla y reinstalarla para que Windows pueda descargar e instalar los controladores adecuados.
Fix Ethernet connection problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
If you can't connect to the Ethernet network on either PC, it might be a problem with your router, internet service provider, or USB to Ethernet adapter. On your home router. Try these things first to help you fix or narrow down the connection problem. Check the Ethernet cable and connection. Make sure the Ethernet cable is securely plugged ...
How to manage email subscriptions in Outlook.com
From the list of Your current subscriptions, find the one you don't want to receive any longer and select Unsubscribe. Note: You might not have the option to unsubscribe from certain emails if they have been filtered into junk mail, if you have added them to your list of blocked senders and domains, or if they are not from the same sender.
Applies To: Outlook.com
Turn off Scroll Lock - Microsoft Support
Tip: To quickly open the On-screen Keyboard in Windows 11, click the Windows button.Begin typing On-Screen Keyboard which will appear in the search entry box. Under Search, which will appear as a list above the search box, click the On-Screen Keyboard search result. When the on-screen keyboard appears, click the ScrLk button.
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel 2024, Excel 2021, Excel 2019, Excel 2016