Jak zalogować się na konto Microsoft
Konta Microsoft służą do użytku osobistego oraz do uzyskiwania dostępu do usług, takich jak Outlook.com, Xbox lub Skype. Konta służbowe Microsoft są przeznaczone dla organizacji korzystających z platformy Microsoft 365 dla firm.. Wybierz typ konta lub dowiedz się więcej o różnicach.
Applies To:
Microsoft 365 for home, Outlook.com, Microsoft 365 for Mac, Microsoft 365 for Windows, Microsoft account dashboard, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Teams, My Office for iPhone, Office.com, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Ich kann Microsoft Outlook nicht starten oder erhalte die Fehlermeldung ...
Problembehandlung von Startproblemen in Outlook. Verwenden Sie die klassische Problembehandlung für den Outlook-Start, um mehrere häufigeklassisches Outlook für Windows Probleme für Sie zu diagnostizieren und zu beheben.
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office for business
Sign in and create multiple profiles in Microsoft Edge
With Edge Chromium, you can add multiple profiles. Profiles allow multiple users to operate in a shared environment while maintaining access to their personalized browser settings, bookmarks, and extensions.
Applies To:
Microsoft Edge
Cambiare o reimpostare la password in Windows
Importante: Gli account Microsoft, il sistema operativo Windows e altri prodotti Microsoft includono password per proteggere le tue informazioni.Questo articolo fornisce alcune opzioni che è possibile usare per reimpostare o recuperare la password se la si dimentica. Tieni presente che, se queste opzioni non funzionano, il supporto tecnico Microsoft non può aiutarti a recuperare o aggirare ...
PC または Mac に Microsoft 365、Office 2024、またはOffice 2021をダウンロード、インストール、または ...
インストールの準備. 作業を始める前に、ご利用の PC または Mac がシステム要件を満たしていることを確認します。. プロダクト キーを既に使用している場合は、アプリを再インストールするか、職場または学校でライセンスが割り当てられていることがわかっている場合は、先に進んで ...
Applies To:
Office 2024, Office 2024 for Mac, Office 2021, Office 2021 for Mac, Office 2019, Microsoft 365 for home, Office for business, Office 365 Small Business, Microsoft 365 admin, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet - Admin, Microsoft 365 for Mac, Office 365 Germany - Enterprise, Office 365 Germany - Enterprise admin, Office.com
Hilfe zum Microsoft-Kontowiederherstellungsformular
Wichtig: Wenn Sie die zweistufige Überprüfung aktiviert haben und nicht auf eine der alternativen Methoden zugreifen können, um eine Überprüfung zu erhalten, können wir Ihnen leider nicht weiterhelfen. Um Ihr Konto und dessen Inhalt zu schützen, dürfen unsere Supportmitarbeitenden keine Links zum Zurücksetzen von Kennwörtern senden oder auf Kontodaten zugreifen und diese ändern.
View and reply to encrypted messages in Outlook for Windows
A message that is encrypted by Microsoft 365 Message Encryption is delivered to a recipient's inbox just like any other email message. If the recipient has an Microsoft 365 email account and new Outlook, they'll see an alert about the item's restricted permissions in the Reading pane.
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, New Outlook for Windows
Outlook notifications aren't working - Microsoft Support
Review focus settings in Windows. Select Start , then select Settings .. Go to System > Focus.. Select Stop focus session if it's turned on. For additional help, see Turn off notifications in Windows during certain times and How to use focus in Windows 11. Review battery saver settings in Windows. Notifications can be temporarily disabled when your device is in Battery Saver Mode.
Applies To:
New Outlook for Windows
Dove immettere il codice Product Key di Office
Passaggio 1: passare al sito www.microsoftstore.com e accedere (nell'angolo in alto a destra) con l'account Microsoft usato per acquistare Office.. Passaggio 2: dopo l'accesso, selezionare il proprio nome nell'angolo in alto a destra e selezionare Cronologia ordini.. Passaggio 3: individuare la copia unica di Office o l'app di Office singola, quindi selezionare Installa Office per visualizzare ...
Applies To:
Office 2024, Office 2024 for Mac, Office 2021, Office 2021 for Mac, Office 2019, Office 2016, Microsoft 365 for home, Office.com
Change your Microsoft account password - Microsoft Support
The steps below describe how to change a known password. If you need to reset your password because you forgot it, see Reset your Microsoft account password instead.. Change your password. Go to account.microsoft.com and if you're not already signed in, sign in with the username and current password for the account you want to update.. From the navigation header, select Security and because ...
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard