Wiederherstellungsoptionen unter Windows - Microsoft-Support
Wichtig: Wenn Sie Ihr Gerät verschlüsselt haben, benötigen Sie Ihren BitLocker-Schlüssel, um Ihren PC zurückzusetzen. Wenn Sie Ihren BitLocker-Schlüssel nicht kennen, finden Sie weitere Informationen unter Suchen meines BitLocker-Wiederherstellungsschlüssels.. Während des Zurücksetzungsvorgangs ist es möglich, dass Ihr Bildschirm für einen längeren Zeitraum schwarz bleibt ...
Camera doesn't work in Windows - Microsoft Support
Test your camera with the Camera app. Select Start , then choose Camera from your apps. If you're asked to allow access to the Camera, select Yes.If the camera works in the Camera app, the problem might be with the app you're trying to use.
Treiber manuell in Windows aktualisieren - Microsoft-Support
Hinweis: Der beste und sicherste Weg, um Treiber-Updates in Windows zu erhalten, ist immer über Windows Update.Wenn Sie Probleme mit Windows Update haben, sollten Sie zunächst prüfen, ob einer der Links unter Update Windows Ihnen weiterhelfen kann.
Fix Ethernet connection problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
On your home router. Try these things first to help you fix or narrow down the connection problem. Check the Ethernet cable and connection.Make sure the Ethernet cable is securely plugged into the Ethernet port on both your router and Windows 11 PC.
Transcribe your recordings - Microsoft Support
The transcribe feature converts speech to a text transcript with each speaker individually separated. After your conversation, interview, or meeting, you can revisit parts of the recording by playing back the timestamped audio and edit the transcription to make corrections.
Applies To: Word for Microsoft 365, OneNote for Microsoft 365, Word for the web
Edit your passwords in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Next to the password you want to change, select More actions , and then select Edit.
在 Microsoft Edge 浏览器中使用 Microsoft Translator
如果在设置中打开以不同于首选语言编写的页面,Microsoft Edge 将自动提示你翻译它。 转到使用外语编写的网页时,“翻译”图标 显示在地址栏中。 如果某种语言不在“设置”的“首选语言”列表中,则将被视为外语。若要在列表中添加或删除语言,请在 Microsoft Edge 中,转到 “设置”等 > 设置 ...
Applies To: Microsoft Edge
Aanmelden bij Hotmail - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Notities: Je Hotmail- of Outlook.com-wachtwoord is hetzelfde als het wachtwoord van je Microsoft-account. Als je je kunt aanmelden, maar problemen ondervindt met Outlook.com, controleer je de servicestatus.Als de status niet groen is, wacht je totdat de service weer normaal werkt en probeer je het opnieuw.
Applies To: Outlook.com
Fix Bluetooth problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
Before you start. Check these things before you start troubleshooting Bluetooth on your device: Check your product information. If you’re setting up a new device and Bluetooth is missing, check the product specifications to make sure it has Bluetooth capabilities.
Set up an authenticator app as a two-step verification method
Note: If you receive a prompt asking whether to allow the app to access your camera (iOS) or to allow the app to take pictures and record video (Android). select Allow so the authenticator app can access your camera to take a picture of the QR code in the next step.If you don't allow the camera, you can still set up the authenticator app as described in Manually add an account to the app.