Télécharger et installer ou réinstaller Office 2019, Office 2016 ou ...
Remarque : Les étapes d’installation des versions 2019, 2016 ou 2013 de Office Professionnel Plus, Office Standardou une application autonome telle que Word ou Project peuvent être différentes si vous avez obtenu Microsoft 365 via l’une des options suivantes : Programme de remise pour le lieu de travail de Microsoft (anciennement Programme d’utilisation à domicile): si vous avez ...
Applies To: Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2016 for Mac, Office 2013
Reset your PC - Microsoft Support
Option. Description. Keep my files. Also known as Refresh, this option reinstalls Windows while keeping your personal files intact.It removes apps and settings but preserves your documents, photos, and other personal data. Restore preinstalled apps: when enabled, any customizations from the PC manufacturer are applied. Remove everything
Microsoft Support
Microsoft Support is here to help you with Microsoft products. Find how-to articles, videos, and training for Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft 365, Windows, Surface, and more.
Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser
If you open a page written in a different language than your preferred languages in settings, Microsoft Edge will automatically prompt you to translate it. The Translate icon appears in the address bar when you go to a web page that’s written in a foreign language. A language is considered foreign to you if it's not included in your Preferred languages list in Settings.
Applies To: Microsoft Edge
Account has been locked - Microsoft Support
Why is my account temporarily suspended? Microsoft accounts are usually locked if the account holder has violated our Microsoft Services Agreement.Here are some common reasons why accounts are locked, though not all account locks occur for these reasons:
Solucionar problemas de Bluetooth en Windows
En el PC que quieres emparejar: Comprueba que el modo avión esté desactivado: Selecciona la opción Iconos de red, sonido o batería ( ) en el lado derecho de la barra de tareas y, a continuación, asegúrate de que el ajuste rápido del modo avión esté desactivado. Activa y desactiva Bluetooth: Selecciona Inicio > Configuración > dispositivos de & Bluetooth .
Помощь и обучение по Windows
Прочитайте справочные статьи и инструкции по операционным системам Windows. Получите ...
Windows Güvenliği Uygulamasında Güvenlik Duvarı ve Ağ Koruması
Ek ayarlar. Güvenlik duvarı ve ağ koruması sayfasında bulunan ek ayarların listesi aşağıdadır: Bir uygulamaya güvenlik duvarı üzerinden izin ver: Güvenlik duvarı ihtiyacınız olan bir uygulamayı engelliyorsa, söz konusu uygulama için bir özel durum ekleyebilir veya belirli bir bağlantı noktasını açabilirsiniz. Bu işlem (ve neden istemediğiniz) hakkında daha fazla ...
Camera doesn't work in Windows - Microsoft Support
Make sure Let apps access your camera is turned on.. Choose which apps should have access. Only apps that were installed from the Microsoft Store will appear in this list. If you're having problems with an app that you did not install from Microsoft Store, make sure that Let desktop apps access your camera is turned on.You can't turn off camera access for individual desktop apps.
Hide, unhide, mute, add a chat to Favorites, or mark a chat as unread ...
Unhide a chat. Unhide a chat that you've hidden before by using search. In the Search box at the top of Teams, type the name of the person you were chatting with and select it from the list of returned names. You'll see that the chat history is hidden and the name appears in italic text to mark it as hidden.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams for Education, Microsoft Teams small business