Check your Microsoft warranty and create service orders
Sign in to Microsoft account | Devices with your account.. Locate the device that you want to check the warranty on, then select Info & support.. In Device coverage, you'll see what kind of warranty coverage your device has and how much time is left. If your warranty does not match the purchase date, see Update your warranty with your proof-of-purchase.
Windows 安全中心应用中的设备安全性 - Microsoft 支持
Windows 安全中心应用的“设备安全”页旨在管理内置于 Windows 设备的安全功能。 页面分为以下部分: 安全核心电脑:如果你的设备是安全核心电脑,则显示有关安全核心电脑功能的信息. 核心隔离:可以在此处配置保护 Windows 内核的安全功能. 安全处理器:提供有关安全处理器的信息,该处理器 (TPM)
Find text in a document - Microsoft Support
Looking for text in your document? The Navigation pane helps you find characters, words, and phrases.If you want, you can also replace it with different text.. If you're in Reading view in Word for the web, switch to Editing view by selecting Edit Document > Edit. To open the Navigation pane from the Edit view, press Ctrl+F, or select Home > Find. ...
Applies To: Word for the web
Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed
Note: Use these steps for Windows programs.If you're having problems with an app you got from Microsoft Store, go to Fix problems with apps from Microsoft Store.
Set up the LTE or 5G connection on your Surface
Insert the SIM card into your Surface that has LTE Advanced or 5G. For more info on how to do this, go to Insert a SIM into your Surface.. After the SIM card is inserted, select Start > Settings > Network & internet > Cellular and check to see if you're connected to a cellular network.. For Surface devices that have both a SIM card slot and eSIM, select SIM1 from Use this SIM for cellular data ...
どこからでも、何でも検索 - Microsoft サポート
注: 検索ハイライトをオフにした場合でも、通常どおり検索を使用して PC や Web の結果を検索できます。検索ホームでは、最近起動したアプリ、ファイル、設定、Web サイトの拡張リストと、最も使用されているアプリケーションが引き続き表示され、前回の作業に戻るのに役立ちます。
Repair apps and programs in Windows - Microsoft Support
Repair programs in Control Panel. You can repair some apps and programs if they're not running correctly. Note that you won't see repair, change, or modify options for all apps and programs.
Windows Güvenliği Uygulaması ile Korunmaya Devam Edin
Windows Güvenliği uygulamasının temel avantajlarından biri, gerçek zamanlı koruma sağlayabilmesidir. Microsoft Defender Virüsten Koruma, cihazınızı olası tehditlere karşı sürekli olarak tarar ve bunları etkisiz hale getirmek için anında işlem uygular.
如何将主机文件重置回默认值 - Microsoft 支持
摘要. 本文帮助你将主机文件重置回默认值。 什么是 Hosts 文件. 操作系统使用 Hosts 文件将用户友好的主机名映射到数字 Internet 协议 (IP) 地址,用于标识和定位 IP 网络中的主机。
BitLocker 驱动器加密 - Microsoft 支持
BitLocker 驱动器加密小程序列出了连接到 Windows 设备的所有驱动器: 操作系统驱动器是安装 Windows 的驱动器. 其他驱动器在“固定数据驱动器”下列出. 可移动驱动器(如 U 盘)在可移动数据驱动器 - BitLocker To Go 下列出. 手动加密驱动器