Mailbox and other printer-specific settings are saved with an Excel ...
To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods. Change the default printer to a different printer. In Excel, open the workbook that is experiencing the problem. On the File menu, click Print. In the Print dialog box, click Cancel. On the File menu, click Save.
Print Spooler service crashes when you print documents on a network ...
Fixes an issue in which the Print Spooler service does not work correctly in Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2.
Files are deleted permanently after you redirect the Recycle Bin by ...
Fixes an issue in which recycled files are deleted permanently if you delete files from a DFS link in a network environment on a client computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 after you redirect the Recycle Bin to the DFS link.
Error message when you try to open a network-shared application on a ...
Fixes a problem in which you cannot open a network-shared application and receive an error message in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
Xbox 本体とアクセサリのマニュアル | Xbox Support
Xbox 本体とすべての Xbox アクセサリのマニュアルを、ご利用の言語で入手しましょう。
File sharing over a network in Windows - Microsoft Support
To share a folder over a network in File Explorer, do the following: Right-click (or long-press) a file, and then select Show more options > Give access to > Specific people. Select a user on the network to share the file with or select Everyone to give all network users access to the file.
Web でクラウド ゲームをサポートしているブラウザー | Xbox Support
Xbox のクラウド ゲームでサポートされている Web ブラウザーとオペレーティング システムを確認してください。
Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: March ...
The MANIFEST files (.manifest) and the MUM files (.mum) that are installed for each environment are listed in the "Additional file information" section. MUM, MANIFEST, and the associated security catalog (.cat) files, are very important to maintain the state of the updated components.
Xbox Series X|S に関するよく寄せられる質問
次世代の Xbox 本体の詳細な情報をご覧ください: Xbox Series XとXbox Series S。
When you share a folder with Everyone, you seem to have unexpected ...
To try to share a folder with Everyone and apply Read permissions to the folder, you follow these steps: Right-click the folder, and then click Properties . Click the Sharing tab, and then click Share to open the File Sharing dialog box.