You can browse all photos you've sent and received within individual Skype chats. The Skype chat Gallery keeps all photos for the past 6 months in one place. Here's how to access the Gallery :
Skype for Windows, Mac, Linux, Web, and Skype for Windows 10 and 11 (version 15)
While in a conversation, click Gallery at the top in the Chat or Group header .
Within the Gallery you can scroll to find any images, files, or links that have been shared.
Tip: You can filter the Gallery results by selecting the down arrow at the top and then choosing All , Media , Links , or Files from the menu. -
Select the one you want to open.
Skype on Android (6.0+), Android tablet, iPhone, and iPad
While in a conversation, tap the person's name or the group name in the header.
In the profile, scroll down to the Chat Gallery section and tap Show more .
Within the Gallery you can filter the results by any Media , Web links, or Files that have been shared.
Note: For tablets, you can filter the Gallery results by selecting the down arrow at the top and then choosing All , Media , Links , or Files from the menu. -
Select the one you want to open.
Note: The Gallery is not available on Skype for Android 4.0.4 - 5.1.
The Gallery is a great place to find photos in a Skype chat from the past 6 months. However, you may need to locate photos in a chat that were sent or received longer than 6 months ago.
Here are a few ways to find your older photos:-
Scroll back in your Skype conversation window history to locate the photo. Learn more about How long are files and data available in Skype?
Did you bookmark the photo? Try locating the photo in your Skype Bookmarks window. Learn more about bookmarks in Skype .
Did you save the photo to your device? Learn more about How to automatically download incoming photos or files in Skype on desktop .
You can right-click a photo, file, or link, in a conversation to choose from the available options in Skype for Windows, Mac, Linux and Skype for Windows 10 and 11 (version 15)
For received photos, files, or links:
Copy (photos and links only)
Save to "Downloads" (photos only)
Save as... (photos and files only)
Add or Remove bookmark
Select Messages
Unread from here
Report a concern
For sent photos, files, or links:
Edit (links only)
Copy (photos and links only)
Save to "Downloads" (photos only)
Save as... (photos and files only)
Add or Remove bookmark
Select Messages
You can right-click a photo, file, or link, in a conversation to choose from the available options in Skype for Web.
For received photos, files, or links:
Open in new tab (photos only)
Copy link (links only)
Add or Remove bookmark
Select Messages
Unread from here
Report a concern
For sent photos, files, or links:
Open in new tab (photos only)
Edit (links only)
Copy link (links only)
Add or Remove bookmark
Select Messages
Tap and hold a photo, file, or link, in a conversation to choose from the available options in Skype on Android (6.0+), Android tablet, iPhone, and iPad.
For received photos, files, or links:
Save (photos only)
Copy link (links only)
Add or Remove bookmark
Select Messages
Unread from here
Report a concern
For sent photos, files, or links:
Save (photos only)
Edit (links only)
Copy link (links only)
Add or Remove bookmark
Select Messages
For Skype on mobile, you can control how a shared web link opens from your Skype chat. To change your link to open in a browser instead of inside Skype:
Tap your profile picture .
Tap Settings .
Tap Messaging .
Turn the toggle for Web links open in Skype on or off.
Ready to learn more? How long are files and data available in Skype?