Van toepassing op:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2
Deze update is opgenomen in de cumulatieve update van 8 september 2020. Deze update is eerder uitgebracht in de cumulatieve update van 11 augustus 2020.
BELANGRIJK Controleer of u de vereiste updates hebt geïnstalleerd in de sectie Hoe u deze update kunt downloaden voordat u deze update installeert.
BELANGRIJKSommige klanten die Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 gebruiken en hun MAK-invoegcode (Multiple Activation Key) voor ESU hebben geactiveerd vóór de installatie van de updates van 14 januari 2020, moeten hun productcode mogelijk opnieuw activeren. Activering op de betreffende apparaten is slechts eenmaal vereist. Zie dit blogbericht voor informatie over activering.
BELANGRIJK WSUS scan cab files will continue to be available for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. Als u een subset hebt van apparaten met deze besturingssystemen zonder ESU, worden deze mogelijk niet-compatibel in de hulpprogramma's voor patchbeheer en naleving.
BELANGRIJK Klanten die de Extended Security Update (ESU) hebben gekocht voor on-premises versies van deze besturingssystemen, moeten de procedures in KB4522133 volgen om beveiligingsupdates te kunnen blijven ontvangen nadat de uitgebreide ondersteuning op 14 januari 2020 is beëindigd. Zie KB4497181voor meer informatie over ESU en welke versies worden ondersteund.
BELANGRIJK Vanaf 15 januari 2020 wordt een melding op volledig scherm weergegeven met een beschrijving van het risico dat Windows 7 Service Pack 1 blijft gebruiken nadat het einde van de ondersteuning is bereikt op 14 januari 2020. De melding blijft op het scherm staan totdat u daarmee werkt. Deze melding wordt alleen weergegeven in de volgende versies van Windows 7 Service Pack 1:
OpmerkingDe melding wordt niet weergegeven op machines of computers die lid zijn van een domein in kioskmodus.
Home Basic.
Home Premium.
Professioneel. Als u de Extended Security Update (ESU) hebt gekocht, wordt de melding niet weergegeven. Zie Uitgebreide beveiligingsupdates downloaden voor in aanmerking komende Windows-apparaten en de levenscyclus en FAQ-Extended beveiligingsupdates voor meer informatie.
Er is sprake van een onrechtmatige toegangsprobleem wanneer ASP.NET of .NET Framework-webtoepassingen die op IIS worden uitgevoerd, de toegang tot in de cache opgeslagen bestanden onjuist toestaan. Een aanvaller die misbruik heeft gemaakt van dit beveiligingsprobleem, zou toegang kunnen krijgen tot beperkte bestanden. Om dit beveiligingsprobleem te kunnen misbruiken, moet een aanvaller een speciaal opgeslagen verzoek verzenden naar een getroffen server. De update lost dit beveiligingsprobleem op door te ASP.NET de manier waarop aanvragen door .NET Framework worden verwerkt.
Ga naar de volgende veelvoorkomende beveiligingslekken en blootstellingen (CVE) voor meer informatie over de beveiligingsproblemen.
Bekende problemen in deze update
Symptoom |
Deze update wordt niet geïnstalleerd en het retourneert een of beide van de volgende foutberichten:
Workaround |
Dit probleem is opgelost in de meest recente beveiligings- en kwaliteitsrol voor .NET Framework. |
Aanvullende informatie over deze update
De volgende artikelen bevatten aanvullende informatie over deze update, omdat deze betrekking heeft op afzonderlijke productversies.
4576628 Beschrijving van de beveiligings- en kwaliteitsupdate voor .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8 voor Windows 7 SP1 en Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (KB4576628)
4576631 Beschrijving van de beveiligings- en kwaliteitsupdate voor .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, 4.5.2, 4.6 voor Windows Server 2008 SP2 (KB4576631)
De update downloaden en installeren
Methode 1: Windows Update
Deze update is beschikbaar via Windows Update. Wanneer u automatische updates in schakelt, wordt deze update automatisch gedownload en geïnstalleerd. Zie Windows Update: Veelgestelde vragen voor meer informatie over het automatisch downloaden van beveiligingsupdates.
Methode 2: Microsoft Update-catalogus
Ga naar de website van de Microsoft Update-catalogus om het zelfstandige pakket voor deze update te downloaden.
Methode 3: Windows Software Update Services (WSUS)
Volg deze stappen op uw WSUS-server:
Selecteer Start,selecteer Systeembeheeren vervolgens Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3.0.
Vouw Computernaam uiten selecteer actie.
Selecteer Updates importeren.
WSUS opent een browservenster waarin u mogelijk wordt gevraagd een ActiveX-besturingselement te installeren. U moet het ActiveX-besturingselement installeren om door te gaan.
Nadat het ActiveX-besturingselement is geïnstalleerd, ziet u het scherm Catalogus met Microsoft Update-updates. Typ 4576628 voor Windows 7 SP1 en Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 of typ 4576631 voor Windows Server 2008 SP2 in het zoekvak en selecteer vervolgens Zoeken.
Zoek de .NET Framework-pakketten die overeenkomen met de besturingssystemen, talen en processors in uw omgeving. Selecteer Toevoegen om ze toe te voegen aan uw mandje.
Nadat u alle pakketten hebt geselecteerd die u nodig hebt, selecteert u Mand weergeven.
Als u de pakketten naar uw WSUS-server wilt importeren, selecteert u Importeren.
Nadat de pakketten zijn geïmporteerd, selecteert u Sluiten om terug te keren naar WSUS.
De updates zijn nu beschikbaar voor installatie via WSUS.
Implementatiegegevens bijwerken
Ga naar het volgende artikel in de Microsoft Knowledge Base voor de implementatiedetails voor deze beveiligingsupdate:
20200811 Implementatiegegevens voor beveiligingsupdate: 11 augustus 2020
Verwijderingsgegevens bijwerken
Opmerking Het wordt niet aangeraden eventuele beveiligingsupdates te verwijderen. Als u deze update wilt verwijderen, gebruikt u het onderdeel Programma's en onderdelen in het Configuratiescherm.
Informatie over opnieuw opstarten bijwerken
Voor deze update is niet vereist dat het systeem opnieuw wordt opgestart nadat u deze hebt toegepast, tenzij bestanden die worden bijgewerkt, zijn vergrendeld of worden gebruikt.
Vervangende informatie bijwerken
Deze update vervangt eerder uitgebrachte updates 4570506.
Met de Engelse versie (Verenigde Staten) van deze software-update worden bestanden geïnstalleerd die de kenmerken hebben die in de volgende tabellen worden vermeld.
Bestandsnaam |
Bestandsversie |
Bestandsgrootte |
Datum |
Tijd |
System.Web.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,713,560 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
3,194,664 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
2,459,256 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
272,184 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
vbc7ui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
271,512 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Accessibility.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36,008 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AddInProcess.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AddInProcess32.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AddInUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
170,664 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
alink.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
116,888 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
alinkui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
35,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
98,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
55,928 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28,352 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,760 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
34,696 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
aspnet_perf.ini |
997,498 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_perf2.ini |
995,542 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
90,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
41,080 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,608 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36660 |
36,232 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
AspNetMMCExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509,624 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
CasPol.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108,152 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6,941,472 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 | |
303,549 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
228,008 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
509,728 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ComSvcConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176,760 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,672 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
corperfmonsymbols.ini |
1,516,922 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,853,048 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
cscui.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203,416 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
95,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
cvtres_clr.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
43,128 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
cvtresui_clr.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
20,144 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
DataSvcUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
73,336 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141,976 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dfshim.dll.mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18,600 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dfsvc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,160 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
diasymreader.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
859,824 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dw20.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
EdmGen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,624 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
804,552 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
filetracker.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
226,992 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
21,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
fusion.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74,904 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ie.browser |
5,166 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ilasm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297,080 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallPersistSqlState.sql |
54,647 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallSqlState.sql |
54,427 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallSqlStateTemplate.sql |
56,233 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
40,568 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71,856 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
jsc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
47,224 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
locale.nlp |
419,632 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54,160 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.Conversion.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,248 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,448,128 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
668,376 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101,608 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,191,152 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
273,664 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Common.OverrideTasks |
6,297 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Common.targets |
262,547 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.CSharp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
492,224 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
53,000 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets |
6,501 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
Microsoft.Internal.Tasks.Dataflow.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
184,584 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
407,824 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
131,336 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualC.STLCLR.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
50,920 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
99,160 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141,192 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.WinFX.targets |
42,213 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,888 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.WorkflowBuildExtensions.targets |
7,537 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Xaml.targets |
19,848 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
| |
241,004 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.JScript.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
758,984 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.JSpt.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
57,856 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
108,840 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
360,208 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
651,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualC.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
30,408 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
267,896 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,285,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,108,464 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscoree.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30,720 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
516,264 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
5,268,768 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
75,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139,952 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
395,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
104,632 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
38,056 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25,760 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
414,880 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103,552 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
VsVersion.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
18,088 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
140,920 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74,928 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
normalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,416 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
74,624 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204,464 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
164,640 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationBuildTasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
604,536 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
3,219,840 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PresentationFramework.Aero.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
249,232 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
177,560 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework.Classic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
181,144 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework.Luna.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
484,752 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework.Royale.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
208,272 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
6,221,192 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PresentationFramework-SystemCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25,352 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework-SystemData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,816 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework-SystemDrawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,336 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,832 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,800 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
179,080 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36660 |
77,704 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
783,240 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PresentationUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
847,032 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ReachFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
599,024 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64,632 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
regtlib.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
84,600 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
23,720 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43,744 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,128 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
19,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,136 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
47,376 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
77,056 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
226,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37,592 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,120 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
28,960 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
SMDiagnostics.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
73,864 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
SMSvcHost.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139,896 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
SOS.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
763,168 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Speech.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
679,296 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
sysglobl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133,264 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Activities.Core.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
718,256 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,583,248 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Activities.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
144,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Activities.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
2,140,568 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.AddIn.Contract.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
52,440 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.AddIn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163,512 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Collections.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,896 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,992 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
312,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.Registration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
62,848 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
120,640 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,504 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Core.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
1,264,912 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
72,464 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,087,208 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4,099,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
698,568 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Services.Client.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
448,240 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Services.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176,368 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
684,248 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,960 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Diagnostics.Tracing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,440 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297,776 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Dynamic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,320 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,928 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Globalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IdentityModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,097,872 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
145,680 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IdentityModel.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
200,480 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IO.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,336 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IO.Log.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,992 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,344 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Linq.Expressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,472 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Linq.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Linq.Queryable.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,408 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Management.Instrumentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
146,696 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
259,744 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.Http.Rtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,408 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.Requests.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,392 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ObjectModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,904 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
343,840 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,896 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.Emit.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,416 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,448 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,448 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,472 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36,528 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
173,344 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,536 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,560 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,060,496 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,480 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,520 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,984 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Security.Principal.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204,184 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
570,264 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Channels.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
160,024 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
313,120 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6,388,328 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Duplex.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,440 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
255,120 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34,072 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
132,496 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,960 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.ServiceMoniker40.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,312 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.WasHosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
40,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
332,520 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Text.Encoding.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,464 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Threading.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,888 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Threading.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,472 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Abstractions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,912 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
64,272 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Web.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106,928 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.DynamicData.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44,952 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.DynamicData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248,696 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
172,264 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
166,088 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
354,704 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
1,852,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Web.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,376 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,416 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
82,904 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,726,392 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Workflow.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1,068,824 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1,571,616 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Workflow.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
504,088 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.WorkflowServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
455,040 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xaml.Hosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,704 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xml.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163,512 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,928 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xml.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,808 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xml.XDocument.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,912 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Caching.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
109,272 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Configuration.dll |
4.0.30319.36645 |
405,136 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Configuration.Install.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.dll |
4.0.30319.36645 |
3,217,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509,672 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.SqlXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
752,312 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Deployment.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
853,704 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
5,056,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Device.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64,184 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.DirectoryServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
425,712 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203,056 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.dll |
4.0.30319.36543 |
3,493,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Drawing.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
113,888 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Drawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
598,712 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Drawing.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
7,680 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248,552 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86,784 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
33,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
111,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IO.Compression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71,896 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Management.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
417,480 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Messaging.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
274,112 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
202,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.Http.WebRequest.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
50,944 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86,208 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.context.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108,272 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Remoting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
348,904 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
142,192 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36440 |
301,648 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceProcess.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,872 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
71,168 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
289,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
5,457,792 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Web.Mobile.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
839,768 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107,768 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
858,320 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
6,144 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
744,328 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Windows.Forms.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4,859,608 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Forms.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,504 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Input.Manipulations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,520 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,072 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xaml.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
633,624 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
2,705,032 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101,024 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
UIAutomationClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
178,536 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
UIAutomationClientsideProviders.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
365,984 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
UIAutomationProvider.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
48,496 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
UIAutomationTypes.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
105,832 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
17,800 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
502,664 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
WindowsBase.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
1,234,824 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
WindowsFormsIntegration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
102,784 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
126,136 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,368 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
76,776 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 | |
151,330 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe.mui |
4.0.30319.36660 |
12,168 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.0.30319.36660 |
17,808 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
1,641,344 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
WsatConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
155,256 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
XamlBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133,976 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
XsdBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ThirdPartyNotices.txt |
20,126 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
536,856 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
875,800 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Bestandsnaam |
Bestandsversie |
Bestandsgrootte |
Datum |
Tijd |
System.Web.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,713,560 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
4,008,232 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
3,194,664 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
3,546,232 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
vbc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
2,459,256 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
272,184 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
272,184 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
vbc7ui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
271,512 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
vbc7ui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
271,512 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Accessibility.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36,008 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AddInProcess.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AddInProcess32.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AddInUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
188,072 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
170,664 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
alink.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
145,048 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
alink.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
116,888 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
alinkui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
35,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
alinkui.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
35,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
115,832 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
98,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54,904 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
55,928 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,888 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28,352 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37,560 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25,776 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,760 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
38,264 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
34,696 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
aspnet_perf.ini |
997,498 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_perf2.ini |
995,542 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
90,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
90,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44,664 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43,640 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
41,080 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,096 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,608 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
50,808 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36660 |
40,840 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.0.30319.36660 |
36,232 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
AspNetMMCExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509,624 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
CasPol.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107,640 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
CasPol.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108,152 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
10,071,328 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clr.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6,941,472 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 | |
303,557 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
| |
303,549 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
122,048 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
228,008 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
228,008 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,235,232 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
clrjit.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
509,728 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ComSvcConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176,760 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
153,784 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,672 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
corperfmonsymbols.ini |
1,516,922 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
2,637,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
csc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,853,048 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
cscui.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203,416 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
cscui.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203,416 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
63,648 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Culture.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
104,648 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
95,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
cvtres_clr.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
46,712 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
cvtres_clr.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
43,128 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
cvtresui_clr.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
20,144 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
cvtresui_clr.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
20,144 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
DataSvcUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
73,336 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
165,528 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dfdll.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141,976 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dfshim.dll.mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18,608 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dfshim.dll.mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18,600 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dfsvc.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,160 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
diasymreader.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
1,068,208 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
diasymreader.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
859,824 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dw20.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
51,320 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
dw20.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
EdmGen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,624 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
804,552 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
804,552 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
filetracker.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
262,832 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
filetracker.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
226,992 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
21,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
21,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
fusion.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
92,832 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
fusion.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74,904 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ie.browser |
5,166 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ie.browser |
5,166 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ilasm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
363,640 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ilasm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297,080 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallPersistSqlState.sql |
54,647 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallPersistSqlState.sql |
54,647 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallSqlState.sql |
54,427 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallSqlState.sql |
54,427 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallSqlStateTemplate.sql |
56,233 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallSqlStateTemplate.sql |
56,233 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
40,056 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
40,568 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
76,472 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71,856 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71,856 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
jsc.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
47,224 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
locale.nlp |
419,632 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
locale.nlp |
419,632 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
54,160 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.Conversion.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,248 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,448,128 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
668,376 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101,608 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,191,152 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
273,664 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Common.OverrideTasks |
6,297 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Common.OverrideTasks |
6,297 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Common.targets |
262,547 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Common.targets |
262,547 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.CSharp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
492,224 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
53,000 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets |
6,501 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
Microsoft.Internal.Tasks.Dataflow.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
184,584 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
407,824 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
131,848 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
131,336 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualC.STLCLR.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
50,920 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
141,192 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
99,168 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
99,160 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.WinFX.targets |
42,213 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.WinFX.targets |
42,213 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,888 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.WorkflowBuildExtensions.targets |
7,537 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Xaml.targets |
19,848 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.Xaml.targets |
19,848 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
| |
241,004 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
| |
241,004 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.JScript.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
758,984 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.JSpt.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
57,856 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.JSpt.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
57,856 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
108,840 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
360,208 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
651,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Microsoft.VisualC.Dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
30,408 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
113,320 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
263,288 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
267,896 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,731,872 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,285,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,534,240 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,108,464 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscoree.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30,720 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscoree.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30,720 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
636,072 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
516,264 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
5,222,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
5,268,768 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,152 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
75,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
169,648 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139,952 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
395,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
395,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
127,160 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
104,632 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
38,056 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
38,056 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
26,272 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25,760 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
523,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
414,880 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
124,024 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103,552 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
VsVersion.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
18,088 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
VsVersion.dll |
12.0.52415.36415 |
18,088 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
171,128 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ngen.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
140,920 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
84,144 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
74,928 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
normalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
normalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,416 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
87,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
74,624 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
241,840 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204,464 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
226,592 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
peverify.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
164,640 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationBuildTasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
604,536 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
3,203,960 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
3,219,840 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PresentationFramework.Aero.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
249,232 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
177,560 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework.Classic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
181,144 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework.Luna.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
484,752 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework.Royale.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
208,272 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
6,221,192 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PresentationFramework-SystemCore.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
25,352 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework-SystemData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,816 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework-SystemDrawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,336 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,832 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,800 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
225,152 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36660 |
77,704 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
179,080 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36660 |
77,704 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
1,070,976 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
783,240 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
PresentationUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
847,032 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ReachFramework.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
599,024 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64,120 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64,632 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44,664 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
regtlib.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
94,328 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
regtlib.exe |
12.0.52415.36415 |
84,600 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
24,232 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
23,720 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,128 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43,736 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
43,744 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,128 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,136 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
19,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
19,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,136 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86,784 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
47,376 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
47,376 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
77,056 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
263,288 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
226,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,120 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37,592 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
37,592 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
18,120 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
29,472 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
28,960 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
SMDiagnostics.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
73,864 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
SMSvcHost.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
139,896 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
SOS.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
823,792 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
SOS.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
763,168 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Speech.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
679,296 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
sysglobl.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133,264 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Activities.Core.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
718,256 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,583,248 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Activities.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
144,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Activities.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
2,140,568 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.AddIn.Contract.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
52,440 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.AddIn.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163,512 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Collections.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,896 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,992 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
312,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
system.componentmodel.composition.registration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
62,848 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
120,640 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,504 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Core.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
1,264,912 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
72,464 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,087,208 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4,099,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
698,568 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Services.Client.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
448,240 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Services.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
176,368 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
684,248 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,960 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Diagnostics.Tracing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,440 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
297,776 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
system.dynamic.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,320 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,928 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Globalization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IdentityModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,097,872 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
145,680 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IdentityModel.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
200,480 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IO.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,336 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IO.Log.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,992 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,344 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Linq.Expressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,472 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Linq.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Linq.Queryable.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,408 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Management.Instrumentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
146,696 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
259,744 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.Http.Rtc.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,408 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.Requests.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,392 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ObjectModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,904 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
343,328 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
343,840 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,896 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.Emit.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,416 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,448 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,448 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,472 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
36,528 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
173,344 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
32,536 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,560 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,424 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
1,060,496 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,480 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,520 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,984 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Security.Principal.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
204,184 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
570,264 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Channels.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
160,024 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
313,120 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
6,388,328 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Duplex.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,440 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
255,120 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
34,072 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
132,496 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,960 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.ServiceMoniker40.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
23,312 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.WasHosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36627 |
40,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
332,520 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Text.Encoding.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,400 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,464 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,456 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Threading.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,888 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Threading.Tasks.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
30,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,472 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Abstractions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,912 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
64,272 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Web.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
106,928 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.DynamicData.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
44,952 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.DynamicData.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248,696 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Entity.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
172,264 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Entity.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
166,088 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
354,704 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Extensions.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
1,852,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Web.Routing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
22,376 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
31,416 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
82,904 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
1,726,392 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Workflow.Activities.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1,068,824 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
1,571,616 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Workflow.Runtime.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
504,088 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.WorkflowServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
455,040 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xaml.Hosting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
42,704 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xml.Linq.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
163,512 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,928 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xml.Serialization.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
45,808 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xml.XDocument.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,912 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Caching.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
109,272 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.configuration.dll |
4.0.30319.36645 |
405,136 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Configuration.Install.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
103,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.dll |
4.0.30319.36645 |
3,246,880 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.dll |
4.0.30319.36645 |
3,217,688 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
510,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
509,672 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Data.SqlXml.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
752,312 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Deployment.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
853,704 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
5,056,176 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Device.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
64,184 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.DirectoryServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
425,712 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
203,056 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.dll |
4.0.30319.36543 |
3,493,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Drawing.Design.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
113,888 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Drawing.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
598,712 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Drawing.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
7,680 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Drawing.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
7,680 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248,040 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
248,552 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
91,392 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86,784 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
33,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
33,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
125,440 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
111,104 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IO.Compression.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
71,896 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
28,936 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Management.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
417,480 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Messaging.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
274,112 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.Http.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
202,432 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Net.Http.WebRequest.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
50,944 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Numerics.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
86,208 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Reflection.context.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
108,272 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Remoting.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
348,904 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
142,192 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Security.dll |
4.0.30319.36440 |
301,648 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.ServiceProcess.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
134,872 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
71,168 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.tlb |
12.0.52415.36415 |
71,168 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
292,560 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
289,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
5,451,656 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
System.Web.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
5,457,792 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Web.Mobile.dll |
4.0.30319.36480 |
839,768 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
107,768 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.Services.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
858,320 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
6,144 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Web.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
6,144 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
744,328 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.Windows.Forms.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
4,859,608 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Forms.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,504 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Forms.tlb |
4.0.30319.36415 |
85,504 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Input.Manipulations.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,520 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Windows.Presentation.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
29,072 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
System.Xaml.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
633,624 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
System.XML.dll |
4.0.30319.36430 |
2,705,032 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
4.0.30319.36415 |
115,352 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
4.0.30319.36415 |
101,024 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
UIAutomationClient.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
178,536 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
UIAutomationClientsideProviders.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
365,984 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
UIAutomationProvider.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
48,496 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
UIAutomationTypes.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
105,832 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
19,848 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
webengine.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
17,800 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
614,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
webengine4.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
502,664 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
WindowsBase.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
1,234,824 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
WindowsFormsIntegration.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
102,784 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
174,256 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
126,136 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
85,792 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,368 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.0.30319.36415 |
24,368 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.0.30319.36577 |
76,776 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 | |
151,330 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe.mui |
4.0.30319.36660 |
12,168 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe.mui |
4.0.30319.36660 |
12,168 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.0.30319.36660 |
18,840 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.0.30319.36660 |
17,808 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
2,101,632 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:40 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.0.30319.36660 |
1,641,344 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
WsatConfig.exe |
4.0.30319.36415 |
155,256 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
XamlBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
133,976 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
XsdBuildTask.dll |
4.0.30319.36415 |
68,280 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
ThirdPartyNotices.txt |
20,126 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:04 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
678,488 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
536,856 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
869,464 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll |
12.0.52480.36480 |
875,800 |
22-jul-2020 |
00:01 |
Informatie over beveiliging en beveiliging
Bescherm uzelf online: Windows-beveiligingsondersteuning
Meer informatie over hoe we ons beschermen tegen cyberaanvallen: Microsoft-beveiliging