Prihláste sa s kontom Microsoft
Prihláste sa alebo si vytvorte konto.
Dobrý deň,
Vyberte iné konto.
Máte viacero kont
Vyberte konto, s ktorým sa chcete prihlásiť.

Tento článok sa vzťahuje na Microsoft pre tieto krajiny a jazykové locales.

  • Angličtina (Kanada) (sk-ca)

  • Angličtina (USA) (sk-sme)

  • Španielčina (Mexiko) (es-mx)

  • Francúzština (Kanada) (fr-ca)


Predpokladajme, že nastaviť CAD vykazovanie hodnota v Nastavenie financií dialógové okno v Severnej Ameriky verzia Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. Pri účtovaní nákupnej faktúry, ktorá obsahuje daň, zobrazí nasledujúce chybové hlásenie:

Transakcia sa nedá dokončiť, pretože spôsobí nekonzistencie v tabuľke Finančná položka. Skontrolujte, kde a ako konzistentné funkcia slúži transakcia zistiť príčinu chyby.

Tento problém sa vyskytuje v nasledovných produktov:

  • Severnej Ameriky verzia Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2

  • Severnej Ameriky verzia systému Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Service Pack 1


Informácie o rýchlej oprave

Rýchla oprava je k dispozícii od spoločnosti Microsoft. Je však určená iba opraviť problém popísaný v tomto článku. Použite ju iba v počítačoch s týmto konkrétnym problémom. Môže, že táto rýchla oprava bude ďalej testovaná. Ak vám nespôsobuje tento problém, odporúčame vám počkať na ďalšiu Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 service pack alebo ďalšej verzii Microsoft Dynamics NAV, ktorá obsahuje túto rýchlu opravu.

Poznámka: V špeciálnych prípadoch sa poplatky, ktoré sú telefonickú podporu nemusia účtovať ak technickú podporu Professional pre Microsoft Dynamics a súvisiace produkty zistí, že táto konkrétna aktualizácia vyrieši váš problém. Ďalšie otázky a žiadosti o technickú podporu, ktoré sa netýkajú tejto špecifickej aktualizácie, podliehajú bežným sadzbám za poskytovanie technickej podpory.

Informácie o inštalácii

Spoločnosť Microsoft poskytuje príklady programovacieho kódu len ako názornú ukážku bez vyjadrených či predpokladaných záruk. Tie okrem iného zahŕňajú predpokladané záruky obchodovateľnosti alebo vhodnosti na konkrétny účel. Tento článok predpokladá, že ovládate predvádzaný programovací jazyk a nástroje, ktoré sa používajú na vytváranie a ladenie procedúr. Pracovníci technickej podpory spoločnosti Microsoft vám môžu vysvetliť fungovanie konkrétneho postupu, ale neupravia tieto príklady s cieľom poskytnutia pridanej funkčnosti ani nevytvoria procedúry zohľadňujúce vaše konkrétne požiadavky.

Poznámka: Pred inštaláciou tejto rýchlej opravy sa overiť, že všetky Microsoft Navision klienta používatelia odhlásení systému. Toto zahŕňa používateľov klienta Microsoft Navision aplikácie služby (NAS). Mali by ste byť iba klient prihláseného používateľa je pri implementácii túto rýchlu opravu.

Vykonávať túto rýchlu opravu, musíte mať licencie pre vývojárov.

Odporúčame, aby používateľského konta v okne prihlásenia systému Windows alebo v okne prihlásenia do databázy pridelí "SUPER" úlohu ID. Ak používateľské konto nemožno priradiť úlohu ID "SUPER", musíte overiť, že používateľské konto má nasledujúce povolenia:

  • Zmeniť povolenia pre objekt, ktorý sa zmení.

  • Povolenia na vykonanie systému objekt ID 5210 a systém objekt ID 9015 objektu.

Poznámka: Nemusíte mať práva ukladá údaje, pokiaľ budete musieť vykonať opravy údajov.

Zmeny kódu

Poznámka: Vždy skúšobný opravy v prostredí kontrolované pred použitím opravy výroby počítačov.

Ak chcete vyriešiť tento problém, postupujte nasledovne:

  1. Zmeniť kód polí v tabuľke Riadok čiastky dane z predaja (10011):
    Existujúci kód

    ...ESM=Es Informe jurisdicci¢n;
    FRC=Est une juridiction fiscale;
    ENC=Is Report-to Jurisdiction];
    Editable=No }
    { ;Tax Area Code for Key,Tax Jurisdiction Code,Tax %,Tax Group Code,Expense/Capitalize,Tax Type,Use Tax;

    Nahradenie kódu

    ESM=Es Informe jurisdicci¢n;
    FRC=Est une juridiction fiscale;
    ENC=Is Report-to Jurisdiction];
    Editable=No }

    // Add the following line.
    { 10044; ;Tax Base Amount FCY ;Decimal }
    // End of the added line.

    { ;Tax Area Code for Key,Tax Jurisdiction Code,Tax %,Tax Group Code,Expense/Capitalize,Tax Type,Use Tax;
  2. Zmena kódu v PostSalesTaxToGL funkcia v predaj-Post procedúra (80) takto:
    Existujúci kód

    GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code";
    IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt +

    // Delete the following lines.
    UseDate,SalesHeader."Currency Code",TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount",SalesHeader."Currency Factor");
    // End of the deleted lines.

    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" :=
    SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount";
    RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount";

    Nahradenie kódu

    GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code";
    IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt +

    // Add the following lines.
    TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Base Amount FCY" * TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax %" / 100;
    // End of the added lines.

    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" :=
    SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount";
    RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount";
  3. Zmena kódu v PostSalesTaxToGL funkcia v nákupné.-Post procedúra (90) takto:
    Existujúci kód

    GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code";
    IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt +

    // Delete the following lines.
    Usedate,PurchHeader."Currency Code",TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount",PurchHeader."Currency Factor");
    // End of the deleted lines.

    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" :=
    SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount";
    RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount";

    Nahradenie kódu

    GenJnlLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code" := TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Jurisdiction Code";
    IF TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount" <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt +

    // Add the following line.
    TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Base Amount FCY" * TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax %" / 100;
    // End of the added line.

    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" :=
    SalesTaxCalculate.ArithmeticRound(RemSalesTaxSrcAmt,Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
    RemSalesTaxSrcAmt := RemSalesTaxSrcAmt - GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount";
    RemSalesTaxAmt := RemSalesTaxAmt + TempSalesTaxAmtLine."Tax Amount";
  4. Zmena kódu v PostProvincialSalesTaxToGL funkcia v nákupné.-Post procedúra (90) takto:
    Existujúci kód

    ...TaxJurisdiction.TESTFIELD("Tax Account (Purchases)");
    GenJnlLine."Account No." := TaxJurisdiction."Tax Account (Purchases)";
    GenJnlLine.Amount := GenJnlLine."VAT Amount";

    // Delete the following lines.
    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Base Amount" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount (LCY)" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount" := 0;
    // End of the deleted lines.

    GenJnlLine."VAT Amount (LCY)" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Amount" := 0;
    GenJnlLine.Quantity := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Difference" := 0;

    Nahradenie kódu

    ...TaxJurisdiction.TESTFIELD("Tax Account (Purchases)");
    GenJnlLine."Account No." := TaxJurisdiction."Tax Account (Purchases)";
    GenJnlLine.Amount := GenJnlLine."VAT Amount";

    // Add the following lines.
    GenJnlLine."Source Currency Amount" := GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Amount";
    GenJnlLine."Source Curr. VAT Base Amount" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount (LCY)" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Base Amount" := 0;
    // End of the added lines.

    GenJnlLine."VAT Amount (LCY)" := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Amount" := 0;
    GenJnlLine.Quantity := 0;
    GenJnlLine."VAT Difference" := 0;
  5. Zmena kódu v AddSalesLine funkcia v procedúra vypočítať daň z predaja (398):
    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := (SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Line Amount" := SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable";
    Quantity := SalesLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Line Amount" := SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable";
    Quantity := SalesLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    Existujúci kód 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF SalesLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable";

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + ((SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + SalesLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    Nahradenie kód 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF SalesLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesLine."Tax Liable";

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesLine."Line Amount" - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + SalesLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount";
  6. Zmena kódu v AddSalesInvoiceLines funkcia v procedúra vypočítať daň z predaja (398):
    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable";
    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable";
    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    Existujúci kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity;
    IF SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    Nahradenie kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesInvoiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesInvoiceLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + SalesInvoiceLine.Quantity;
    IF SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesInvoiceLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  7. Zmena kódu v AddSalesCrMemoLines funkcia v procedúra vypočítať daň z predaja (398):
    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    Existujúci kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    Nahradenie kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (SalesCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,SalesCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + SalesCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := SalesCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  8. Zmena kódu v AddPurchLine funkcia v procedúra vypočítať daň z predaja (398):
    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := (PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Line Amount" := PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchLine."Use Tax";

    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Line Amount" := PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchLine."Use Tax";

    Existujúci kód 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF PurchLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable";

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + ((PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + PurchLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    Nahradenie kód 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF PurchLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchLine."Tax Liable";

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchLine."Line Amount" - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + PurchLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount";
  9. Zmena kódu v AddPurchInvoiceLines funkcia v procedúra vypočítať daň z predaja (398):
    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := PurchInvLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchInvLine."Use Tax";

    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := PurchInvLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchInvLine."Use Tax";

    Existujúci kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + PurchInvLine.Quantity;
    IF PurchInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    Nahradenie kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + PurchInvLine.Quantity;
    IF PurchInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchInvLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  10. Zmena kódu v AddPurchCrMemoLines funkcia v procedúra vypočítať daň z predaja (398):
    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchCrMemoLine."Use Tax";

    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    "Use Tax" := PurchCrMemoLine."Use Tax";

    Existujúci kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    Nahradenie kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (PurchCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,PurchCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + PurchCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := PurchCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  11. Zmena kódu v AddServiceLine funkcia v procedúra vypočítať daň z predaja (398):
    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := (ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Line Amount" := ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable";
    Quantity := ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Round Tax" := TaxArea."Round Tax";
    TaxJurisdiction.GET("Tax Jurisdiction Code");
    "Is Report-to Jurisdiction" := ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Line Amount" := ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable";
    Quantity := ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    Existujúci kód 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF ServiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable";

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" :=
    "Tax Base Amount" + ((ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount") / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount";

    Nahradenie kód 2

    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServiceLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    IF ServiceLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServiceLine."Tax Liable";

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServiceLine."Line Amount" - ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    "Tax Amount" := 0;
    Quantity := Quantity + ServiceLine."Quantity (Base)";
    "Invoice Discount Amount" := "Invoice Discount Amount" + ServiceLine."Inv. Discount Amount";
  12. Zmena kódu v AddServInvoiceLines funkcia v procedúra vypočítať daň z predaja (398):
    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following lines.
    "Tax Base Amount" := ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    Quantity := ServInvLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable";

    // End of the deleted line.

    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following lines.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    Quantity := ServInvLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable";
    // End of the added lines.

    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";
    InsertRec := TRUE;

    Existujúci kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + ServInvLine.Quantity;
    IF ServInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    Nahradenie kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServInvLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServInvLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + ServInvLine.Quantity;
    IF ServInvLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServInvLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  13. Zmena kódu v AddServCrMemoLines funkcia v procedúra vypočítať daň z predaja (398):
    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor;
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := ServCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";

    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";

    Nahradenie kód 1

    ..."Is Report-to Jurisdiction" :=
    ("Tax Jurisdiction Code" = TaxJurisdiction."Report-to Jurisdiction");
    "Line Amount" := ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor;

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,FALSE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := ServCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";

    "Calculation Order" := TaxAreaLine."Calculation Order";

    Existujúci kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Delete the following line.
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount" + (ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount" / ExchangeFactor);
    // End of the deleted line.

    Quantity := Quantity + ServCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;

    Nahradenie kód 2

    ...InsertRec := TRUE;
    "Line Amount" := "Line Amount" + (ServCrMemoLine."Line Amount" / ExchangeFactor);

    // Add the following line.
    SetTaxBaseAmount(TempSalesTaxLine,ServCrMemoLine."VAT Base Amount",ExchangeFactor,TRUE);
    // End of the added line.

    Quantity := Quantity + ServCrMemoLine.Quantity;
    IF ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable" THEN
    "Tax Liable" := ServCrMemoLine."Tax Liable";
    InsertRec := FALSE;
  14. Pridanie funkcie SetTaxBaseAmount procedúra vypočítať daň z predaja (398) takto:

    LOCAL PROCEDURE SetTaxBaseAmount@1020031(VAR SalesTaxAmountLine@1020001 : Record 10011;Value@1020000 : Decimal;ExchangeFactor@1020002 : Decimal;Increment@1020003 : Boolean);      BEGIN
    WITH SalesTaxAmountLine DO BEGIN
    IF Increment THEN
    "Tax Base Amount FCY" += Value
    "Tax Base Amount FCY" := Value;
    "Tax Base Amount" := "Tax Base Amount FCY" / ExchangeFactor;


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  • Severnej Ameriky verzia Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2

  • Severnej Ameriky verzia systému Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Service Pack 1

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