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Anzeigen von Cookies in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft-Support
Rufen Sie die Schritte zum Anzeigen von Cookies in Microsoft Edge ab. Zu Hauptinhalt springen. Microsoft. Unterstützung. Unterstützung. Unterstützung Startseite ; Microsoft 365; Office; ... Dieses Thema bezieht sich auf die neue Version von Microsoft Edge . Hier finden Sie Hilfe für die Vorgängerversion von Microsoft Edge. RSS-FEEDS ...
Description of Cookies - Microsoft Support
Note that disabling cookies may prevent some Web services from working correctly, and disabling cookies does not make you anonymous or prevent Web sites from tracking your browsing habits. HTTP requests still include information about where you came from (HTTP Referer), your IP address, browser version, operating system, and other information.
Use a screen reader with collections to stay organized in Microsoft Edge
This article is for people who use a screen reader program such as Windows Narrator, JAWS, or NVDA with Microsoft 365 products. This article is part of the Microsoft 365 screen reader support content set where you can find more accessibility information on our apps. For general help, visit Microsoft Support. Use collections in Microsoft Edge on Windows with your keyboard and a screen reader to ...
Surfa InPrivate i Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Mednya Microsoft Edge tar du bort din webbhistorik, cookies och webbplatsdata, samt lösenord, adresser och formulärdata när du stänger alla InPrivate-fönster. Du kan öppna ett InPrivate-fönster på olika sätt: Markera och håll ned (högerklicka) Microsoft Edge-logotypen i Aktivitetsfältet och välj Nytt InPrivate-fönster.
Gäller för: Instrumentpanel för Microsoft-konto
Blocking adult content with SafeSearch or blocking Chat - Microsoft Support
SafeSearch: If you want to guarantee strict SafeSearch results for all users on your network, in your router or proxy server map www.bing.com to strict.bing.com. Strict.bing.com will guarantee that strict SafeSearch results are returned for all queries to this IP and the SafeSearch controls are disabled. If you use the Microsoft Edge browser, there is a search app in the browser sidebar.
Browsing history on the privacy dashboard - Microsoft Support
If you consent in your settings, Microsoft will collect your Microsoft Edge Legacy browsing history to help us improve Microsoft Edge Legacy and other Microsoft products and services. Your browsing history may be collected and appear in the privacy dashboard if you’ve signed in to Windows with your Microsoft account and your Windows diagnostic data setting is set to Full.
Cookie-k kezelése a Microsoft Edge-ben: Megtekintés, engedélyezés ...
A Microsoft Edge lehetővé teszi, hogy letiltsa a cookie-kat egy adott webhelyről, de ez megakadályozhatja, hogy egyes lapok megfelelően jelenjenek meg, vagy egy webhely üzenete tájékoztatja Arról, hogy engedélyeznie kell a cookie-kat a webhely megtekintéséhez. Cookie-k letiltása egy adott webhelyről:
Gäller för: Microsoft Edge
Enable JavaScript - Microsoft Support
Learn how to enable JavaScript in your browser for a better web experience. Follow the simple steps for different browsers and devices.
Gäller för: Office 2013, SharePoint i Microsoft 365, Office för företag, Lync Web App för Lync Online, Lync Web App, Office 2010, Lync Web App som drivs av 21Vianet
Hantera webbplatsaviseringar i Microsoft Edge
Så här stoppar du webbplatsaviseringar i Microsoft Edge. Du kan ta bort eller blockera meddelanden för enskilda webbplatser på följande sätt: Ta bort eller blockera aviseringar inställningarna för Microsoft Edge. I Microsoft Edge går du till Inställningar med mera längst upp till höger i webbläsarfönstret.
Gäller för: Instrumentpanel för Microsoft-konto
Getting the latest Microsoft Edge update just got easier
Microsoft Edge will still notify you when your action is needed. When an update is available for Microsoft Edge, the Browser essentials icon will reappear to let you know there’s a new update. After the latest updated Microsoft Edge version is applied, Edge respects your request to unpin Browser essentials from the toolbar.