Redeem a gift card or code to your Microsoft account
How to redeem a gift card, Xbox download code or token. Both Microsoft and Xbox gift cards and download codes and tokens work the same way: once redeemed to your Microsoft account, you can spend your balance at Microsoft Store online, on Windows or Xbox, and you can get downloads for the latest apps, games, movies, TV shows, and Surface, Xbox, and accessories.
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
如何登入 Hotmail - Microsoft Support
Hotmail 現在為。 瞭解如何登入以存取您的、Hotmail、Live 或 MSN 電子郵件帳戶。 若要在 中取得支援,請按一下這裡或選取功能表列上的 [說明],然後輸入您的查詢。如果自助無法解決問題,請向下捲動至 [仍然需要協助嗎?
Pair a Bluetooth device in Windows - Microsoft Support
In quick settings: To find the quick setting for Bluetooth, select the Network, Sound, or Battery icons ( ) next to the time and date on the right side of your taskbar.Select Bluetooth to turn it on. If it's turned on without any Bluetooth devices connected, it might appear as Not connected . If you don't see Bluetooth in quick settings, you might need to add it.
Anmelden bei Hotmail - Microsoft-Support
Hinweise: Ihr Hotmail- oder entspricht dem Kennwort Ihres Microsoft-Kontos. Wenn Sie sich anmelden können, aber Probleme mit haben, überprüfen Sie den Dienststatus.Wenn der Status nicht grün ist, warten Sie, bis der Dienst normal ausgeführt wird, und versuchen Sie es erneut.
Free up drive space in Windows - Microsoft Support
Note: If it’s been fewer than 10 days since you upgraded to Windows 10, your previous version of Windows will be listed as a system file you can delete.If you need to free up drive space, you can delete it, but keep in mind that you'll be deleting your Windows.old folder, which contains files that give you the option to go back to your previous version of Windows.
How to use the PC Health Check app - Microsoft Support
How to open PC Health Check. In Windows, use Search on the taskbar to search for PC Health Check, then select it from the list of results.. If a PC Health Check update is available, you can quickly install it for the latest version.
安装 Windows 11 的方法 - Microsoft 支持
开始之前 确保要安装 Windows 11 的设备满足最低系统要求。如果设备当前正在运行 Windows 10,建议使用电脑健康状况检查应用验证最低系统要求。 我们不建议在不符合要求的设备上安装 Windows 11。 有关详细信息,请参阅在不符合最低系统要求的电脑上安装 Windows 11。
了解 Outlook 网页版 - Microsoft 支持
在日历中选择时间以使用快速撰写功能,或者选择“更多选项”以为事件添加更多详细信息。 使用“ 智能时间建议 ”找到适合所有人的会议时间。 将会议设为“ 团队会议 ”,或者使用“ 建议的位置 ”快速找到会议地点。
Outlook 网页版
Fix sound or audio problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
If you’re having sound or audio problems, the following suggestions might help. The tips are listed in order, so start with the first one, see if that helps, and then continue to the next one if it doesn’t.
Kontaktieren Sie uns – Microsoft-Support
Kontaktieren Sie den Microsoft-Support. Suchen Sie nach Lösungen für häufige Probleme, oder erhalten Sie Hilfe von einem Supportmitarbeiter.