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Visa cookies i Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Se anvisningarna för hur du visar cookies i Microsoft Edge. Genom att trycka på skicka, kommer din feedback att användas för att förbättra Microsofts produkter och tjänster. IT-administratören kan samla in denna data.
Explorar con InPrivate en Microsoft Edge
Elnuevo Microsoft Edge eliminará el historial de exploración, las cookies y los datos del sitio, así como contraseñas, direcciones y datos de formulario cuando cierre todas las ventanas de InPrivate. Puedes abrir una ventana de InPrivate de distintas formas: ...
適用對象: Microsoft 帳戶儀表板
Browse InPrivate in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
The new Microsoft Edge will delete your browsing history, cookies, and site data, as well as passwords, addresses, and form data when you close all InPrivate windows. You can open an InPrivate window in different ways: Select and hold (right-click) the.
適用對象: Microsoft 帳戶儀表板
Improved copy and paste of URLs in Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge has an improved way to copy and paste paste web URLs from the address bar into your content. This feature copies and pastes a URL as a hyperlinked title instead of as a web address. Using the improved copy and paste Using the improved copy ...
Recover lost or deleted favorites in Microsoft Edge
Learn how to recover lost or deleted favorites in Microsoft Edge. You can now restore lost or accidentally deleted favorites in Microsoft Edge with our new favorites recovery feature. You'll need to be signed in to your Microsoft account and have the sync setting turned on to use the favorites recovery feature. ...
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Allow cookies for Skype Meetings App (Skype for Business Web App)
For some features of Skype for Business Web App to work correctly, you must allow your browser to save local data— cookies—on your computer or device. Here's how to enable cookies if your browser is blocking them: Edge (Windows 10) In the Edge window ...
適用對象: 商務用 Skype Web 應用程式, Skype 會議 App
Mengaktifkan cookie - Dukungan Microsoft
Agar Lync Web App bekerja dengan baik, Anda perlu mengaktifkan cookie di browser Anda. Berikut adalah cara mengaktifkan cookie jika browser Anda memblokirnya: Edge (Windows 10) Di jendela Edge, pilih Lainnya (...) > Pengaturan > Tampilkan pengaturan.
適用對象: Lync Online 版 Lync Web 應用程式, Lync Web 應用程式, 由 21Vianet 提供的 Lync Web 應用程式
Make the switch to Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
With Microsoft Edge, you can sync your favorites, passwords, and other info across multiple devices. Just sign in to Microsoft Edge using the same Microsoft account on each device. For more information about syncing across multiple devices, see Sign in to.
Allow cookies for Skype Meetings App (Skype for Business Web App)
For some features of Skype for Business Web App to work correctly, you must allow your browser to save local data— cookies—on your computer or device. Here's how to enable cookies if your browser is blocking them: Edge (Windows 10) In the Edge window ...
適用對象: 商務用 Skype Web 應用程式, Skype 會議 App
Tillåta tillfälliga cookies och webbplatsdata i Microsoft Edge
Lär dig hur du kan hantera cookies och webbplatsdata som du tillfälligt har tillåtit i Microsoft Edge. För att skydda din integritet är standardinställningen inya Microsoft Edge ett spårningsskydd som är balanserat. För ökat skydd kan du byta spårningsskydd till strikt ...