Applies ToMicrosoft Teams

With Teams Premium and Virtual Appointments, you get key metrics, such as no-shows, wait times, and calendar-level analytics to help drive business outcomes and improve the appointment experience for your customers.

Analytics tab in Virtual Appointments

Important: Analytics requires a Teams Premium license. See Microsoft Teams Premium - Overview for administrators for more information.

  1. In Teams, open the Virtual Appointments app and select the Analytics tab.

  2. Choose a Report you want to see, including the Date range, and then select Run report.

Hover over parts of the graph to see specific details, like the number of appointments for each day.

Below the graph is a table that gives you detailed information for each appointment associated to your department that took place during the selected date range. The table shows the following information:

  • Start time (UTC) is the date and time when both a staff member and participant are present in the meeting or when the first activity by one of attendees happened in the meeting.

  • Meeting ID is the unique ID of the meeting.

  • Lobby wait time is the time difference between when a participant first joins the lobby to when that same participant or a different participant is admitted to the meeting by a staff member.

  • Duration is the time difference between the start time and when the last person leaves the meeting. If both a staff member and a participant didn’t join the meeting, duration shows as 0 (zero).

  • Status shows the meeting status.

    • Completed: If one or more staff members and participants join the meeting and the meeting has ended. Or, if one or more participants join the meeting and the meeting has ended.

    • No show: If one staff member joins the meeting but no other people join, and the meeting has ended.

  • Product type indicates whether the virtual appointment was scheduled through Bookings or Teams EHR connector. In the future it will include Graph API.

  • Attendees is the maximum number of staff members and participants present in the meeting at any given time over the entire duration of the meeting.

  • Department is the Bookings calendar or hospital department to which the meeting belongs.

  • Premium indicates whether an appointment used an advanced Virtual Appointments capability in Teams Premium.

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Microsoft Teams Virtual Appointments usage report

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