In Microsoft Teams for work or school, you can customize your call settings to manage delegates, set voicemail messages, and more. To learn more about managing call settings in Teams (free), see Calls and meetings in Microsoft Teams (free).

Access your call settings

To access call settings in Teams:

  1. Select Settings and more Select to see more options next to your profile picture at the top of Teams.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Go to Calls, Devices, or Appearance and accessibility.

Note: If you don't see Calls Call icon on the left side of Teams, talk to your IT admin.

Add and remove delegates

Delegates are trusted people who can make and receive calls on your behalf.

Note: To learn more about delegates, please visit Share a phone line with a delegate in Microsoft Teams.

  1. To add or remove delegates, or to change their settings and permissions, select Settings and more Select to see more options next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Settings gear icon > Calls Call tab icon.

  2. Under Manage delegates, select Add a delegate.

  3. Start typing the name of the contact you'd like to add as a delegate and select their name from the dropdown.

When you add someone as a delegate, you'll see their permissions settings. If you want, you can enable your delegates to make and receive calls on your behalf, as well as let them change your call and delegate settings. To remove them as a delegate, select Delete next to their name.change delegate permissions

manage delegate permissions

Change your default mic, speaker, or camera

To select the mic, speaker, and camera you want Teams to use for calls and meetings, select Settings and more Select to see more options  next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Settings gear icon > Devices

Under Audio devices, pick the speaker and mic you want Teams to use by default. 

Under Camera, select the camera you want Teams to use, and see a preview of that camera's video. 

If you have multiple certified devices connected to your computer, you can set one as your secondary ringer, which means it'll ring when a call comes in. Answer incoming calls on any device—not just the ones that ring.

Make a test call

To make a test call, select Settings and more Select to see more options  next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Settings gear icon > Devices

Choose Make a test call under Audio devices

In a test call, you'll see how your mic, speaker, and camera are working. Follow the instructions from Test Call Bot and record a short message. The message will play back for you. After that, you'll get a summary of the test call, and you can go to your device settings to make changes. 


  • The test call feature is only available in English for now. Additional languages are coming soon.

  • We'll delete your test recording immediately after the call. It won't be retained or used by Microsoft.

  • The test call feature is currently only available in Teams desktop app for Windows and Mac.

Set your call answering rules

To set your call answering rules, select Settings and more Select to see more options  next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Settings gear icon > Calls

Choose how you want Teams to handle your incoming calls in the section for Call handling and forwarding

Note: To learn more about forwarding your calls and setting call-answering rules, please visit Call forwarding, call groups, and simultaneous ring in Microsoft Teams.

Adjust your voicemail settings

To change your voicemail settings, select Settings and more Select to see more options  next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Settings gear icon > Calls Call tab icon

You will find all voicemail settings under Manage voicemail.

Voicemail greeting

To record a new voicemail greeting, select Record a greeting and follow the instructions to record your message. 

Call answer rules

To change how calls are handled once they reach your voicemail, go to Call answer rules. By default, Teams will play your voicemail greeting and allow the caller to record a message. You have some other options, though:

  • Let the caller record a message.

  • Let the caller record a message or be transferred to someone else.

  • End the call without playing your greeting.

  • Play your greeting and end the call.

  • Transfer the call to someone else.

If you choose an option that includes transferring the call, set the name or number where you want your calls to go under Where should they be transferred?

Default greeting language

Change your default greeting language by selecting the language you want under Greeting language. 

Text-to-speech voicemail greeting

To use a text-to-speech voicemail greeting, type one in Your custom greeting under Text-to-speech customized greeting

Note: If you've recorded a greeting, it'll override the text-to-speech option. 

Out of office voicemail greeting

Type your out of office greeting in Your custom out of office greeting under Text-to-speech customized greeting, then choose when you'd like it to play under Out of office greeting

Choose ringtones

To set your preferred ringtones, select Settings and more Select to see more options  next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Settings gear icon > Calls Call tab icon

Under Call handling and forwarding, navigate to Choose a ringtone to select ringtones for your normal calls and forwarded calls.

Turn on teletypewriter mode (TTY)

Select Settings and more Select to see more options next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings Settings gear icon > Appearance and accessibility

Select the toggle under Teletypewriter mode to turn it on or off.

Turn on/off call app pop-ups in browser

If enabled by your IT admin, you can choose to receive PSTN calls on third party apps that automatically open in your default web browser.

To adjust this setting in Teams:

  1. Select Settings and more Select to see more options > Settings.

  2. Select Calls.

  3. Under Open apps in browser, turn the toggle on or off.Screenshot of settings to turn on or off call answering in browser pop-up.

    Note: This setting is only available if enabled by your IT admin.

Manage blocked numbers

To view and manage the numbers you've blocked, select Settings and more Select to see more options  next to your profile picture at the top of Teams and then choose Settings > Privacy

Select Edit blocked contacts under Blocked contacts to see any numbers you've blocked and remove them from the list. 

To block anonymous calls, select Block calls with no caller ID.  

Note: Anonymous call blocking currently only works for Direct Routing clients. Calling Plan support is coming soon.

Manage call queue notifications

If you're a call queue agent, you can turn notifications off or on for each of your queues. 

Go to Settings > Calls, and scroll down to Call queues to see a list of your queues. Click the toggle switch next to each queue to turn notifications on or off.

Related topics

Manage your call queue and auto attendant settings

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