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Try it!

Add a hyperlink when you want to link to related or more detailed information from another page in a diagram, an online document, or a website.

Link to a web or email address

  1. Select the shape.

  2. Select Insert > Link.

  3. Type in an email address, a website address or an FTP address, and select OK.

Link to another page in the diagram

  1. Select the shape.

  2. Select Insert > Link.

  3. Select Browse.

  4. For Page, select the flowchart you want to link to and select OK.

  5. Type in a description, and select OK.

Note: To open the link, point to the shape and press Ctrl as you select it to open the link.

Link to a document

  1. Select the shape.

  2. Select Insert > Link.

  3. Select Browse > Local File.

  4. Go to the directory where the document is stored, select the file, and select Open.

  5. Type in a description of the document and select OK.

Edit a hyperlink

  1. Select the shape that contains the hyperlink you want to change.

  2. Select Insert > Link.

  3. Change the existing hyperlink, or select Delete to remove it.

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