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Terminal Services service crashes when Group Policy settings are ...
Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Terminal Services\Terminal Server\Security\Set client connection encryption level communication. Status. Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.
Some windows of a Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services) RemoteApp ...
Fixes an issue in which some windows of a Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services) RemoteApp application might not be displayed correctly in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2. When this issue occurs, you find large blank areas at the expected locations of the windows.
A Terminal Services client computer may make beep sounds after you ...
This issue occurs because the MessageBeep function is redirected to the Terminal Services client computer. If the Terminal Services client computer does not support audio, the beep sound is played through the system speaker. Resolution Service pack information. To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Windows Server 2003.
Remote desktop connection "The local policy of this system does not ...
Also, make sure that the Remote Desktop Users group has sufficient permissions to log on through Terminal Services. To do this, follow these steps: Click Start, click Run, type secpol.msc, and then click OK. Expand Local Policies, and then click User Rights Assignment.
Descriptions of some best practices when you create Windows Services
Run the service in a specific security context. To help secure your system from attacks, run the service with minimal user rights. If you require more user rights than those that are granted to the minimal user accounts, do not run the service as a user with administrative credentials.
Forms with VBScript do not work with Terminal Services in Outlook ...
If you are using Microsoft Outlook in a Terminal Services environment, you cannot use Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) in custom Outlook forms. This issue can occur when you are using a Microsoft Windows Terminal Server in Install mode or User mode. This issue also occurs with Windows 2000 Terminal Server in Application mode but not in ...
"Please wait for Local Session Manager" message remains for several ...
Additionally, you must have the Remote Desktop Services role installed in Windows Server 2008 R2. Or you must have the Terminal Services role installed in Windows Server 2008. For more information about how to obtain a Windows Server 2008 service pack, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Event ID 17 is logged in the System log on a TS Licensing server or on ...
Symptoms. On a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2, the Terminal Services Licensing (TS Licensing) server or the Remote Desktop Licensing (RD Licensing) server becomes deactivated, and only temporary licenses can be issued.
Sessions are not correctly distributed after the Terminal Services ...
In this scenario, sessions are not distributed correctly among the terminal servers after the Terminal Services Session Broker service runs for 25 or more days consecutively. Cause. This issue occurs because of incorrect session deletion logic in the Terminal Service Session Broker service. Resolution Hotfix information
Single CALs support is available for Terminal Server license servers ...
Symptoms. Currently, Terminal Server client access licenses (CALs) are sold in packs of 5 or 20. If you want a certain number of CALs that is not divisible by either pack quantity, you must purchase the next larger quantity that is available.