Welcome to Copilot in Word - Microsoft Support
Whether you're creating a new document or working on an existing one, Copilot can help you move forward. In a new, blank document or upon creating new line in an existing document, the Draft with Copilot experience appears.. The description you provide can be a simple sentence or a more complex request with outlines, notes, or referenced files that you want Copilot to use.
Applies To: Word for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Word for the web, Word for iPad
如何登录 Outlook 网页版 - Microsoft 支持
注意: 如果使用 Microsoft 帐户 (例如 Outlook.com 、Hotmail、Live 或 MSN 电子邮件帐户)而不是工作或学校帐户登录,请注销,然后使用正确的帐户重新登录。 不确定使用哪个帐户登录? 在 Outlook 导航标头中选择 “帐户管理员 ”。 如果未使用所需帐户登录,请选择“ 注销 ”并重新开始该过程,或选择 ...
Applies To: Office for business, Office 365 Small Business, Outlook on the web, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016
Устранение неполадок с подключением к принтеру и с ...
Запуск средства устранения неполадок принтера Windows. Если вы используете устройство Windows 11, начните с запуска автоматического средства устранения неполадок принтера в приложении "Получить справку".
Switching out of S mode in Windows - Microsoft Support
Windows 11 in S mode is designed for security and performance, exclusively running apps from the Microsoft Store. If you want to install an app that isn't available in the Microsoft Store, you'll need to switch out of S mode.
Pin apps and folders to the desktop or taskbar - Microsoft Support
To pin apps to the taskbar. Select Start , select the arrow next to All apps, right-click the app, then select More > Pin to taskbar.
System configuration tools in Windows - Microsoft Support
The Computer Management console is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that provides a centralized location for managing various system components, services, and settings on Windows.It includes tools for managing disks, services, devices, shared folders, and users, among other administrative tasks. The console is particularly useful for IT professionals and advanced users who need to ...
Opzioni di ripristino in Windows - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Per un periodo di tempo limitato dopo l'aggiornamento a Windows 11, sarà possibile tornare alla versione precedente di Windows selezionando Start > Impostazioni > Ripristino > di sistema .Accanto a Indietro, seleziona Indietro.. In questo modo verranno mantenuti i file personali, ma verranno rimossi le app e i driver installati dopo l'aggiornamento, nonché le eventuali modifiche apportate ...
Activar Windows - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Si estás instalando Windows en un nuevo dispositivo o placa base por primera vez y no tienes una clave de producto, selecciona No tengo una clave de producto durante las pantallas de instalación. Cuando se le solicite, escriba la cuenta de Microsoft que desea usar para comprar una licencia digital para este dispositivo.
Descargar controladores de impresora en Windows
Descargar controladores de impresora. Si la impresora no responde, es posible que tengas que quitarla y reinstalarla para que Windows pueda descargar e instalar los controladores adecuados.
Hotmail’de oturum açma - Microsoft Desteği
Notlar: Hotmail veya Outlook.com parolanız Microsoft Hesabı parolanızla aynıdır. Oturum açabiliyorsanız ancak Outlook.com ile ilgili sorun yaşıyorsanız hizmet durumunu kontrol edin. Durum yeşil değilse, hizmetin normal çalışır duruma gelmesini bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin.
Applies To: Outlook.com