Keep your cool | Xbox Support
If someone doesn’t seem to understand how to play the game, ask if they need a hand. Helping others benefits everyone. If another player gets the best of you, give them props for their hard-fought win. Be a force for good, even when others aren't. If someone's being a jerk, that doesn't mean you need to stoop to their level. File a report ...
Asenna Windows uudelleen - Microsoft-tuki
Huomautukset: Windowsin asentaminen uudelleen asennustietovälineen avulla ja puhtaan asennuksen tekeminen valitsemalla Älä ota automaattisesti käyttöön varattua tallennustilaa, jos osio, johon Windows asennetaan uudelleen, on vähintään 20 Gigatavua.Varattu tallennustila varaa levytilaa käytettäväksi päivityksissä, sovelluksissa, väliaikaisissa tiedostoissa ja ...
Obtenir la dernière mise à jour de Microsoft Edge est plus facile
Que se passe-t-il si j’ai désépinglé les éléments essentiels du navigateur de ma barre d’outils ? Si vous avez désépinglé les éléments essentiels du navigateur, ne vous inquiétez pas. Microsoft Edge vous avertit quand même lorsque votre action est nécessaire. Lorsqu’une mise à jour est disponible pour Microsoft Edge, l ...
Atualizar para o novo Microsoft Edge - Suporte da Microsoft
Experimente a Web de uma forma totalmente nova ao mudar para o browser Microsoft Edge a partir do Internet Explorer ou do Microsoft Edge Legado.
Problemen met Outlook voor Windows oplossen - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Belangrijk: De stappen kunnen verschillen tussen nieuwe en klassieke Outlook voor Windows. Als u wilt bepalen welke versie van Outlook u gebruikt, zoekt u naarBestand op het lint. Als er geen optie voor Bestand is, volgt u de stappen op het tabblad Nieuwe Outlook.Als het Bestand wordt weergegeven, selecteert u het tabblad voor klassieke Outlook.
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, New Outlook for Windows
Herstelopties in Windows - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Meer informatie over de herstelopties in Windows. Informatie over het opnieuw instellen van uw pc, over teruggaan naar een eerdere versie van Windows of over het gebruik van media om Windows opnieuw te installeren.
Problemer med mus og tastatur i Windows - Støtte for Microsoft
Feilsøking for maskinvaredrivere Oppdater en enhetsdriver ved hjelp av Windows Update. Skriv inn se etter oppdateringer i søkeboksen på oppgavelinjen, og velg deretter Se etter oppdateringer fra resultatlisten.. I Windows Update velger du Se etter oppdateringer.Windows Update forteller deg om du trenger noen oppdateringer, og om de nyeste oppdateringene ble installert riktig.
문의처 - Microsoft 지원
한국마이크로소프트(유) 대표이사: 조원우. 주소: (우)110-150 서울 종로구 종로1길 50 더 케이트윈타워 A동 12층. 전화번호: 02-531-4500, 메일: 사업자등록번호: 120-81-05948 사업자정보확인. 호스팅서비스 제공자: Microsoft Corporation
KB5015684: Empfohlenes Update für Windows 10, Version 22H2 mithilfe ...
Voraussetzungen. Bevor Sie mithilfe eines Aktivierungspakets auf Windows 10, Version 22H2, aktualisieren, müssen Sie Windows 10, Version 2004, 20H2 oder 21H1 ausführen.
Download free, pre-built templates - Microsoft Support
Within your Office apps you can easily access free, pre-built templates with useful and creative themes. These are immediately available when you click File > New . Templates are provided for calendars, business cards, letters, cards, brochures, newsletters, resumes, cover letters, presentations, social media and much more. You can use these templates "as-is" customize them to meet your needs.
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, Access for Microsoft 365, Project Online Desktop Client, Publisher for Microsoft 365, Excel 2024, Word 2024, PowerPoint 2024, Access 2024, Project Standard 2024, Excel 2021, Word 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Access 2021, Project Professional 2021, Project Standard 2021, Publisher 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Access 2019, Project Professional 2019, Project Standard 2019, Publisher 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Access 2016, Project Professional 2016, Project Standard 2016, Publisher 2016, Visio Professional 2016, Office for business, InfoPath 2013, Microsoft Office