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Cookies in Microsoft Edge löschen - Microsoft-Support
In Microsoft Edge können Sie alle Cookies oder Cookies von einer bestimmten Website löschen. Sie können Edge auch so einstellen, dass Cookies bei jedem Schließen ihres Edge-Browsers automatisch gelöscht werden. Löschen aller Cookies. Wählen Sie in Edge in der oberen rechten Ecke ihres Browserfensters Einstellungen und mehr aus.
Posizione e privacy in Microsoft Edge
Per i sistemi operativi diversi da Windows 11 e 10, Microsoft Edge userà le autorizzazioni in Impostazioni e altre autorizzazioni > Cookie e siti > Location per determinare se condividere la posizione con un sito Web. Microsoft Edge può utilizzare informazioni quali l'indirizzo IP e i punti di accesso Wi-Fi nelle vicinanze per stimare la ...
Se aplica a: Panel de la cuenta de Microsoft
Sign out of Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support saves your Microsoft account status, either signed in or signed out, in a browser cookie, if you use any of these products: If you delete your cookies, the next time you go to, you'll be automatically signed in to your Microsoft account. To sign out, on the account menu, click Sign out. Microsoft Edge
What to do if Microsoft Edge isn't working - Microsoft Support
Here are some solutions to common problems with the new Microsoft Edge . If Microsoft Edge keeps crashing. If you can't open Microsoft Edge, or if it opens briefly and then closes, or if you’re unable to open specific webpages, here are some things you can try.
Update to add new cipher suites to Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge ...
Status. Microsoft has confirmed that this is an update in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section. References. Learn about the terminology that Microsoft uses to describe software updates.. More information
If the Open in OneNote command doesn’t work, enable the add-on
Chrome. Be sure you are using 32-bit Chrome. If you are using the 64-bit Chrome browser, you won't be able to use this command. If you see an External Protocol Request message in Chrome, check Remember my choice for all links of this type, and then click Launch Application.The next time you use the Open in OneNote or Edit in OneNote command, it should work with no issues.
Cookies in Microsoft Edge löschen - Microsoft-Support
In Microsoft Edge können Sie alle Cookies oder Cookies von einer bestimmten Website löschen. Sie können Edge auch so einstellen, dass Cookies bei jedem Schließen ihres Edge-Browsers automatisch gelöscht werden. Löschen aller Cookies. Wählen Sie in Edge in der oberen rechten Ecke ihres Browserfensters Einstellungen und mehr aus.
Websitemeldingen beheren in Microsoft Edge
Websitemeldingen stoppen in Microsoft Edge. U kunt meldingen voor afzonderlijke websites op de volgende manieren verwijderen of blokkeren: Meldingen verwijderen of blokkeren in Edge-instellingen. Ga in Edge naar Instellingen en meer in de rechterbovenhoek van het browservenster.
Se aplica a: Panel de la cuenta de Microsoft
Description of Cookies - Microsoft Support
First-party cookies are cookies that are associated with the host domain. Third-party cookies are cookies from any other domain. For example, suppose that you visit by typing the URL in the address bar, and,, and have banner ads on this page.
Microsoft Edge, dados de navegação e privacidade
O Novo Microsoft Edge ajuda-o a navegar, pesquisar, fazer compras online e muito mais. Como todos os browsers modernos, o Microsoft Edge permite-lhe recolher e armazenar dados específicos no seu dispositivo, como cookies, e ainda enviar-nos informações, como o histórico de navegação, para tornar a experiência o mais completa, rápida e pessoal quanto possível.