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When you want to share a diagram with people who don’t have Visio, publish a diagram, or prevent reviewers from making changes, save it as an image file or in PDF format.

Save as a PDF file

  1. Select File > Export.

  2. Select Create PDF/XPS.

  3. Go to the folder where you want to save the file.

  4. Type a file name, and select Publish.

    Select Open file after publishing to open the PDF file after you save it.

Save as an image file

  1. Select File > Export.

  2. Select Change File Type.

  3. Select a file type.

  4. Select Save As.

  5. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the file, type a file name, and select Save.

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Save or convert to PDF

Create accessible PDFs

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Naša besplatna probna verzija Microsoft 365 čeka na vas