Applies ToSharePoint in Microsoft 365 Microsoft Stream Microsoft Teams for Education OneDrive (home or personal)

After you record a class meeting in Microsoft Teams, access and share that recording with other students and educators in Teams. Recordings of Teams meetings are saved as OneDrive files.

If the meeting was held in a specific channel within a team, the recording will be processed and stored in that channel's SharePoint files. It will also appear in the meeting chat.

Note: These steps are the new experience for recorded Teams meetings. IT Admins can opt out of this experience and continue to store your organization's meeting recordings in Microsoft Stream.

Find the recording link in Teams 

  1. If your meeting was created for a specific channel, you'll find the link in the channel conversation. For all other meetings, the recording link will be in the meeting chat.  

    Note: You can find a channel's meeting recordings by selecting the Files tab in your channel. A Recordings folder is automatically created to hold your meeting recordings.

  2. Select the meeting recording, then select More options  More options button > Get link to find the recording's link.

Teams meeting recording options

Files tab of a class team with Recordings folder

Sharing and permissions

Meeting recordings will automatically be available to everyone invited to the meeting and members of the channel where the meeting was held. You can also share the recording link with educators and students within your organization who weren't in the original meeting.

To share the link to your meeting and set viewing permissions:

  1. In the Teams channel or meeting chat, find the recording and select More options  More options button> Open.  

  2. Once the meeting opens in your browser, select Share.​​​​​​

  3. Add individuals from your school and send them the recording and link. Determine whether they can edit or just view the link.

Send link to video

Upload a meeting or live event recording to Stream:

If your meetings don't upload to Stream automatically, you can add the recordings just as you would a video from your device. 

Important: Follow these steps if your Office 365 Education account uses an A1 or A1 Plus license.

  1. Navigate to the meeting chat and find the recording.

  2. Select Download

    Warning: The recording will be available to download for 21 days from the time of the meeting. After that, it'll be deleted forever.

  3. In your Stream navigation bar, select My content, then Groups

  4. Select the group (or, team) where you want to add the meeting recording. 

  5. Browse for video files to attach, or drag and drop your file directly into Stream. 

Download Teams meeting recording

Select Groups in My content dropdown

Groups in Microsoft Stream

Related resources

Find out how to create a live event from Microsoft Teams

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