Crowdsource new product ideas
Coming up with the next big product idea can be challenging if you’re only asking for opinions from your internal talent. You need to expand your network to include feedback from customers, supply chain partners, and employees company-wide.
Discover new product ideas from your employees, suppliers, and customers. Find relevant existing content that your colleagues have shared using Intelligent Search & Discovery. Find out what design concepts others are considering. Create a channel in Microsoft Teams to bring people across your global workforce together to brainstorm. Share new product developments and encourage people to weigh in.
Set up an external Viva Engage group so your suppliers and customers can give feedback on your product and add comments or concerns. Conduct polls to get new insights your team hasn’t thought of and get more engagement from your customers.
Discover what other design concepts colleagues are working on.
Work together to review new products.
Engage your suppliers and customers to gain new insights.