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Collaborate and communicate in real-time.

You can join a Teams meeting anytime, from any device, without signing into a Teams account.

If you're having trouble joining a Teams meeting, try I can't join a Teams meeting.

Important:  For some meetings, admin settings prevent unverified people from joining the meeting. Depending on the meeting, you may have to enter a one-time passcode sent to your email or create a Teams account.

Join the meeting before it starts to test your setup from the pre-join screen. From there, you can enter the meeting up to 15 minutes before its start time to troubleshoot or see how Teams works. Meeting participants and organizers will be notified when you enter the meeting.

To join a Teams meeting without signing into an account: 

  1. Open the meeting invite and select the link next to Join or Click here to join the meeting.

  2. When prompted, select Continue on this browser or Join on the Teams app. You don't need to install the Teams app to join the meeting. 

    • You can join Teams for web on Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. You may be prompted to give Teams access to your mic and camera. When you select Allow, you can always turn off your mic and camera once you join the meeting. 

  3. Select Join now.

    • In meetings where admin settings prevent unverified people from joining, you’ll be prompted to enter your email address. Enter your email address and select Next. Enter your password if you already have a Microsoft account or select Send code and enter the one-time passcode sent to your email if you don’t have an account. Once verified, select Join now

Note: People who are signed in will have access to more meeting features than those who aren't signed in.​​​​​​​

If you enter the meeting lobby, wait for someone in the meeting to admit you. If no one admits you within 30 minutes, you'll be removed from the lobby. If that happens, you can try rejoining.

Depending on how you joined the meeting, other participants will see a label next to your name. If you joined:

  • without entering your email address, everyone will see Unverified next to your name.

  • using a one-time code sent to your email, everyone will see Email verified next to your name.

  • with your Microsoft account, everyone will see External next to your name.

Organizer's view

If you're the meeting organizer, we'll alert you when someone is waiting in the lobby.

Select Admit to let them right into the meeting, or View lobby to see a list of everyone in the lobby and admit or deny them. 

Note: Anyone who doesn’t have a Teams account and joins the meeting without entering a one-time passcode sent to their email will be labeled Unverified. Anyone who doesn’t have a Teams account and joins the meeting after entering a one-time passcode sent to their email will be labeled Email verified. To learn more about people with guest access, see Work with external guests.

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Unlock Microsoft Teams for free

Collaborate and communicate in real-time.